Brother vs Brother

Start from the beginning

I slide my headband back up to my forehead and place my katana in its sheath before walking onto the water. I hear their conversation, but do not interject at any point making Itachi carefully watch me. I allow my emotionless look to fall over my face as I stand next to Uncle Shi while carefully looking at Itachi's nose the whole time. Only when I feel a disturbance in Uncle Shi's chakra do I look up and rage pulses through my whole body as he finally releases my uncle. I step in front of everybody standing tall and looking Itachi in the eye even as Uncle Gai kicks Kisame into the water. He moves to stand at my side when I hold my hand out signaling everyone to stay back.

"Leave now and I won't fight you this time Ita-nii and Uncle Kisa. Plus, you've already made such a ruckus that I bet someone is on their way as we speak."

They both leave but I do not relax before turning around to see Uncle Shi already unconscious. I place my hand over him trying to figure out if I'm right and I swear knowing I am. Uncle Asuma puts a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me until I whip my head to look at him. He takes his hand off my shoulder looking worried making me let out a breath I've been holding. I quickly think through all of my possibilities before standing up and putting my Anbu mask over my face once more.

"Take Uncle Shi home for now and make sure Sasuke does not find out his brother was here. I don't need him to come after Itachi while I'm protecting what they are after."

I teleport to Naruto who is sitting in a hotel by himself and he flinches when I suddenly appear. I silently place myself in front of the door sensing around us for any disturbances. For a while, Naruto mutters somehow knowing that I am no danger to him and I'm here to protect him. I block myself from sensing his chakra as he trains when I feel them appear outside the room. A knock startles Naruto and before he can say anything I place a finger over my mask signalling him to stay quiet. He nods and I open the door a crack before it's thrown from my hands making me jump back to stand in front of Naruto. They both look pleasantly shocked making the ends of my lips quirk up although they are unable to see this. My hand shifts towards my katana, but Itachi moves quickly grabbing my wrist with an apologetic look only I can see before he throws me out of the room. I hit the wall of the hotel with a grunt as Naruto runs over to me allowing them to come out of the room. I slide to my knees putting myself in front of Naruto when I look behind Itachi before cursing violently.

"It's been a long time...Sasuke." Itachi says without turning around.

"Sasuke leave right now! I know you're goal is to kill him, but you aren't strong enough to defeat him right now. Don't be a fool and fight a losing battle."

"How would you know how strong he is, Yuki? I've waited so long and no one can stop me."

I hear the Chidori and push Naruto back before jumping back with my katana as Kisame comes at us. I rip my Anbu mask off and put it away before raising my katana to block his sword with a feral grin. His eyes betray him and I see the slight fear in his eyes as the little girl he knew disappears in front of his eyes. The two of us fight a small battle where he manages to get my arms, but I keep a tight hold on my sword as I hear Sasuke scream in pain. My head whips his way and I see his broken wrist, but there is no way I can heal him. Samehada has taken a good portion of my chakra and I can't do anything about it. I growl before putting my katana away and move to stand in front of Naruto even as he yells at Sasuke. When he moves to go forward I grab his collar with pursed lips, but he gives me a furious look that makes me sigh.

"Fool there is nothing we can do for Sasuke at the moment because I don't have any chakra to heal him. Plus you can't fight either of them without dying so let me keep you safe."

He slips out of his jacket, but smoke appears around us making me sigh in relief despite the fact that Sasuke is very injured. Itachi looks our way when I smirk with the Toad Sanin standing behind me on his frog. I had effectively stalled them long enough with Sasuke's help for Jiraya to appear in time. I slip to a kneeling position before attempting to heal my arm from where Samehada had ripped the skin open. I sigh once the blood has stopped leaking, but I'm too low on chakra to heal Sasuke making me frown before pulling my Anbu mask out. I slip it over my face before forcing myself to stand on my weak legs ready to move at a seconds notice. They take off for a wall of the hotel to escape from and I slide down the wall as Jiraya along with Naruto investigates the explosion.

My eyes drift over to where Sasuke is being held up and I heave a sigh before I see a kunai fly through the hall. I furrow my eyebrows before seeing Uncle Gai kick Jiraya making my lips quirk at the ends. The frog's stomach leaves allowing me to recline against the wall making everyone look my way. Uncle Gai frowns making me snort as Naruto comes to my side. He moves to grab my arm to help me up when I shift away from him making him look hurt.

"You should have listened to me Naruto. I know those two like the back of my hand and even after that I'm not good enough to beat Kisame. If I wasn't here they would have kidnapped you and done who the hell knows what. And you! Leaving him alone when the Elders have put their trust in you to keep him safe from them! If I wasn't here there's a good possibility that he would have been kidnapped and what would you tell the Elders?" I spit out firstly at Naruto then Jiraya.

"Do you know who you're talking to, kid?"

"Jiraya the toad Sanin, but do you know who you are speaking to, Jiraya?" I hiss out at him.

I rip my Anbu mask off and pull my other mask down letting him get a good look at my face. His eyes widen seeing my features and I see my hair has fallen down while it's red now instead of silver. I see the realisation set in, but he's trying to convince himself that it's a lie. I know he knew my mother when she was younger and I look just like her which would be like seeing a ghost from the past.

" she died three years ago."

"My mother did die three years ago today and now you should know to stay out of my way. Uncle Gai get Sasuke to the hospital and don't tell the Elders that I was here."

"Yuki, that's not a good idea. If they even catch wind that you were here and you didn't inform them it won't be good for you."

"Well that doesn't really matter right now. If they demand to know then tell them, but I could care less whether they know or not. They've already made it known that they don't trust me and if they exile me there will be hell to pay. My only job is to protect the village until my last breath and I will do that which is why I'm taking my leave."

Before anyone can stop me I've teleported away to the hideout where I know they are.

*A/N: So, this is a group I just found and it's currently my favourite song of theirs. I'm going to check the meaning of the lyrics, but I think this might be Yuki's song. Have a listen if you like and thanks for reading!*

*A/N: Sorry for the late update, but I've been spacey for the last couple of days. Happy Reading!*

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