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"I know, just wanted to have an excuse to talk to you

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"I know, just wanted to have an excuse to talk to you."

The next day, the decathlon team of Midtown High met in the school's library, training for the upcoming competition. The team captain, MJ, had prepared flash cards, having all topics on them. She told them to find a partner and to ask them the questions from the flash cards.

Peter tried to be paired with MJ, to talk about the day before, but she was taking Betty as her partner, leaving Peter to choose between Gwen, Ned and Abraham. He sighed and sat down next to Ned, who had a big smile on his face.

"Don't talk.", Peter said, knowing that Ned was referring to the kiss.

"Okay, okay. Do you want to start or should I?", he asked, the smile disappeared from his lips, he looked concentrated.

"Let me start.", the young hero said, and his best friend nodded.

They asked questions after questions. Till the flash cards were done. Ned saw that his friend was glancing towards MJ, who was still going through the cards with Betty.

"You do know, that you can talk to her.", Peter faced him, a brow raised.

"I know. You saw what happened yesterday. Everything was good, but today, she's trying to ignore me.", he whispered, after seeing that other groups finished too.

"Maybe she does want to talk to you, but doesn't know how.", Ned said, a bit annoyed by the lovebirds.

"Maybe you're right... uh, sorry mate, that I'm talking about this right now.", Peter said, sighing.

"So, how's cat?", he asks, trying to change the topic to Ned's little sister.

"She's great, but I still can't hold her, I'm scared to hurt her. She's still so little and fragile.", Ned explained, taking out a photo of her.

"You see, she's still very little and I don't want her to get hurt, you know." he said, giving the photo to Peter.

"She's very adorable. Sometimes, I wish I had siblings.", Peter sighed, smiling at the little girl.

"Peter, You're a part of the Family. And she's your sister too.", Ned said, putting the photo back into his backpack.

"Really?", Peter's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I mean, Aunt May is also an Aunt for me.", his friend said, and the two boys smiled at each other.

Peter was happy to have a friend like Ned. A friend who's always there for you when you need him. Who trust you as much as you trust him. Who knows you better than anyone else. Who always supports you, no matter what. A friend who will always be by your side. Peter knew that he'll never want to hurt him, and that he needs to protect him, no matter what.

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