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„What are you hiding, Peter?"______

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„What are you hiding, Peter?"

"what?", Tony was confused, he examined him, and waited for an answer. But Peter's eyes were still wide open. The billionaire laid his hands on each of his shoulders and started shaking him. Peter was back to reality, still surprised he didn't notice it. "Gwen was bitten by a spider.", he said, getting a nod from Tony. "Yeah, you've mentioned it before.", the adult stated, still watching the kid. Then his eyes widened too. "She has the ability of hearing the slightest noise, she must have heard me talking to Ned in Chemistry class.","That means she knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. She can threaten you.", Tony continued and the both looked at each other. Spider-Man's eyes narrowed. "She wouldn't, cause she has the same abilities, and with what should she threaten me. She's one of the nicest girls in the whole universe.", Peter said and the adult sighed, knowing that Peter was right. But he still had an eye for this girl, Gwen.

"Peter, is that you?", May said, as Peter entered the living room by opening the door. "Yes, I was at the Avengers Tower, talking to Mr. Stark.", Peter said, knowing that his aunt had called him ten times. She walked over to him and hugged him tight, smelling the smell of fire. "Go to the shower, you smell like you were in a fire or something.", she said and shoved him to the bathroom. "By the way, a girl came, asking for you, something about a chemistry project. I gave her your number. I thought you always work with Ned.", Peter glanced to her confused. "Whar chemistry pro... oh, yeah. It must be Gwen. Thanks for letting me know, aunt May.", Peter said before closing the door. He undressed himself, putting the laundry in the laundry basket. He entered the shower, and the cold water hit his skin. 

While Peter was showering, his phone rang and the screen showed a number several times, a few of the were from Ned and MJ. When Peter left the shower, he took his phone and saw the notifications of the several phone calls, he assumed that the unknown number was Gwen, and called back. "Hello?", the voice of a girl said. "Hey, uh, here's Peter. Is this Gwen?", "Hey Peter, sorry for calling the whole time.", she apologised. They talked a lot, actually Peter was asking a lot and Gwen answered them quickly. When Peter realized that he wasn't dressed, he excused himself, and said that his aunt was calling him. He hung up and looked at the clock, he had been talking to Gwen one and a half hours.

He dressed himself, by wearing a Star wars themed Pyjama. He called Ned back. "Hey bro, you were calling me.", "Yeah, where were you? I hacked every security camera in the area to see where you were, but I didn't saw you. Then May called and asked me if i knew where you were. You worried me. And why the heck are you calling me now?", Ned said quickly, Peter tried to hid his chuckle but was helpless. "Why are you laughing?", Ned asked, and started laughing too. "Sorry Ned, but I was at the avengers Tower. But I'll tell you everything tomorrow at lunch.", Peter said. They said their goodbye's quickly and hung up. He was now searching for the missing call from MJ. Peter wondered why she was calling him, probably something related to decathlon practice.

"Hey MJ!", Peter said, a bit too excited. "What's with the excitement in your tone, Loser?", MJ said, sounding tired and bored. "Just wanted to know why you called me?", Peter asked, hitting himself. He was feeling something weird, when he talked or looked to MJ. He knew that they were... friends? He wasn't sure. Sometimes she was nice to them, but then she turned to her true self back, it was weird for Peter. He didn't know why, but he liked it. "Just checking where you were. I was asking Ned this, but this girl, I think Glen or something, was saying you went already. I don't want to sound rude,.. you know what, I want to sound rude. How could you leave Ned behind, or why didn't you tell him where you went. He went crazy, when you didn't pick up his calls. I needed to stay longer, because you weren't there. What are you hiding Peter?", she yelled angrily. Peter made sure she was finished, and opened his mouth. "Uh, Mr. Stark was call...", "Cut the bullshit, Parker. Stop lying to me, explain yourself, NOW", she interrupted him. "I know that you are having a secret, and it does involve your Stark Internship.", she continued, leaving Peter speechless, but he smiled. "MJ, like you said, it's a secret. If i tell you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, right?", he answered, hearing Michelle grunting hin frustration. "Sometimes you're too much for me, Parker.", she said, before hanging up. "Well, that went well.", Peter said smirking and laid down on his bed. His phone still in his hand, starring at the ceiling of his room. 

His eyes were closed and his thoughts went to a certain girl, her long curly hair hide her beautiful face, but her eyes, they weren't hers. He was confused, how can MJ have blue eyes when her eye color was brown. Suddenly MJ changed. She was now smaller, and her curly, brown hair was blond and wavy now. Her eyes were still blue. Her skin tone was much paler then before and her lips were pink, like she had lipstick on them. „I now, that you are Spider-Man.", she said smiling. Peter's eyes widened. He wanted Michelle back, but didn't know why.

The teenager opened his eyes. He felt sweat running down his forehead, not because it was a nightmare. It was just too warm in this room. He stood up, looking at the ground, his hands swiped off the sweat on his forehead, and he stood up. "Ouch.", Peter yelled as he hit his head on the bed above his. He walked out of his room, and went to the kitchen. His aunt slept on the couch, the TV was still on. Peter carried his aunt to her room and laid her onto her bed. Covering her with a blanket, giving her a kiss on her forehead before he went back to the kitchen. He took a glass out of the cupboard, and filled it up with cold water. As he drank out of it, he went to the living room and turned the TV off. He sat on the couch and put the empty glass on the couch table. He laid back and relaxed. Peter's thoughts were all about MJ and Gwen. He didn't know her that well. Just knew that she was bitten by a radioactive spider too, that she has the same powers as well and that she knew about him being Spider-Man. But MJ, he didn't know why he thought about her. He couldn't deny that he liked her. And that she was beautiful, even if she doesn't wear makeup. But he still didn't know why he wanted to be by her side. He closed his eyes, and tried to ignore his thoughts.

Hey, chapter 6 is out now. How did you like it and I know it is a bit boring, but I will be good in the next few chapters. I promise.

I wanted to thank you guys that my book is #20 of 60 books

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I wanted to thank you guys that my book is #20 of 60 books. And that my book has already 600 readers. Thank you thank you thank you.
I know that this is quiet a small number, but for me, it means a lot.


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