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„You know Spider-Man?"______

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„You know Spider-Man?"

PETER PARKER and his best friend, Ned, where in Gym class, together with MJ, Flash, Abe, Charles, Betty, Cindy and his other classmates. Since the school had this new 'Captain America' training plan, everyone needed to do at least 50 push-ups and sit-ups. Coach wilson, the gym teacher, told the class that they should do it as partners. Ned and Peter glanced at each other, knowing that they would do this together as always.

During the sit-ups, Peter and Ned talked about the up coming Star wars film and what theorie they had. While Ned prattled about his new Star Wars Lego Death star, Peter saw MJ sitting on one of the benches, reading a different book. He didn't even realize that he was staring at her, when Ned asked him questions. But since Peter didn't answere, Ned followed his gaze and gasped loudly, taking Peter and others attention. "Dude, you're alright?", Peter asked worried. After everyones attention was back on their own business, Ned poked his pal. "You stared for five minutes at MJ.", he whisper yelled, but Peter shook his head. "No, I did not stare at her. I was just... curious why she never participate in Gym class.", Peter explained, knowing that he lied to his best friend for the first time, not counting the whole secret identity thing.

At Lunch, Peter and Ned sat at their usual seats, far in the back of the cafeteria, a few seats away from MJ. "Did you know that Liz is coming back for the party?", Ned said suddenly, getting Peters attention. "What Party?", he asked, raising a brow. "I'm throwing a Party.", Peter turned his head towards the girl a few seats away, MJ. He had a confused look on his face. Since when did MJ throw parties. Was he in a parallel universe or what? "You're invited, Loser.", she added and turned her attention back to her book. "When?", Peter asked, getting a groan from MJ, she closed her book, knowing that this will take long. She took her tablet with her food, stood up and walked to them, not wanting the whole school to hear it. She sat across from Peter. "This saturday, and it's not a Party like the one from Liz, it's more of a get together, you know.", she said and Peter nodded. "since when do you 'throw Parties'?", Peter said, emphasizing the words throw Parties. She glared at him and continued eating, ignoring the question he just asked. "I didn't mean it that way, MJ.", the young hero tried to apologize. "The whole decathlon team is invited, that includes Flash, even though he's an asshole.", she said and looked at the two boys in front of her. She stood up, went to the trash can, throwing away the rest of her food, and went to the library.

Peter watched as MJ left the table and walked out of the cafeteria. "Dude, be careful, you'll fall if you don't stop staring at her.", Ned said with grin, knowing that he just told him indirectly, that Peter was slowly falling for MJ. Peter wasn't aware of what Ned said seconds ago and just stared into nothing.

His next subject was Chemistry. Like always he worked with Ned, but he tried to produce his own Web-fluid without being seen. "You know, I didn't ask you about how you do that?", Ned spoke and his friend turned to him. He went closer to him and whisper told him, how he did it. Ned's eyes widened with every detail, and he always said ‚aha'. „How... how did you came to this idea... of making it?", Peter was happy for answering the question. No one has ever ask him, how he came to this idea, not even his mentor, Tony Stark. "Like you know, I have this incredible ability of climbing the wall with my bare hands or even walking in the ceiling with my feet. I also gained some kind of super strength, and I am able to jump very high...","Like Superman?","Kind of, but after I found out I was bitten by a radioactive Spider, I thought, why haven't I got any Web Fluid in my hands. Like, produced by myself. But I tried everything, starting with putting fine thread into glue, but it didn't work. Then I tried to do it with the chemicals, so I borrowed a bit of the chemicals from the school...", "you did WHAT?", Ned exclaimed and everyone turned to them. "Mr. Parker and Mr. Leeds, could you two please take your private conversations outside of the class.", their Teacher said and wrote them down. The both teenagers nodded rapidly and went back to work.

After Peter and Ned were finished with their chemistry project, they handed out their essays about it and went back to their seats. Taking of the gloves and safety goggles, Peter turned to Ned and they began talking about the important subject, before they got warned by the teacher. "Ned, next time, you should be a bit quieter than that.", Peter whispered and Ned nodded. He still couldn't believe what he heard, Peter has stolen some chemicals from the school, without telling him, but now. He was a bit pissed, because he found it out this way, but knowing, he couldn't be mad at him for long, he sighed and listened to him interested. "However, I took them home, and started making them in my room. I tested it on my door and it was sticking on the door. So I was a few steps ahead. But I wanted more, you know. Like real spider webs. So I tinkered around a bit, till it had the form of a spider web. When I had the fluid, my next question was, how am I going to transport it. So I tinkered around more till i made the webs shooters and, voilà, there are they. The infamous webs shooters.", he explained smiling. Ned was amazed by his mind once again.

Unknown to them, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes sat behind them hearing every single world. They, indeed, talked very quiet but because of her hearing ability, Gwen could hear them. She smiled, knowing that she wasn't the only one.

Hey, how did you like that chapter?
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you like the way I introduced Gwen. So this is chapter 3.


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