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"What are we waiting for? Let's do this

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"What are we waiting for? Let's do this."

The avengers were at the avengers compound. They were talking about the plan to rescue Bucky. Even though Peter's thoughts drifted to MJ, he knew that this mission was important and payed attention.

"We know that they went into the forest, and there are five abandoned buildings. One of those, should be the HYDRA hideout.", Captain America said, holding his shield in his right hand, while his left pointed to the five buildings.

"What if, if none of these are the hideout? Then what are we going to do?", Wanda asked, her eyes staring at Steve. She was wearing her Scarlet Witch costume, her brown hair was put in a ponytail.

"We will search! And we will find him! I don't want him to go through everything again. You all know what happened, we need to prevent this from happening.", he answered, slamming his fist on the glass table.

"Steve, we will find him.", Sam said, putting his hand on Steve's shoulder to calm him down. Steve closed his eyes, took a few deep breathes, before opening them again.

"What are we waiting for? Let's do this.", with that the Avengers filled out the Quinjet.

"Hey, you alright, kid?", Tony went to Spider-Man, putting his arm around him. The teen looked up and nodded.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, I'm a bit nervous. That the first time I'm on a real mission. And I'm a bit scared that I'll fail.", he said, looking back down to his feet. The adult shook his head and ruffled the kid's hair.

"Hey, you won't fail. You're doing great with the whole 'friendly neighborhood Spider-Man' act.", Tony said, standing up. He walked towards Hawkeye and switched places. Clint now sat next to Peter while Tony drove/flew the Quinjet.

"Has anyone something against a bit music?", Tony asked, when he didn't get an answer, he told F.R.I.D.A.Y to play something from his playlist. As the music started, the billionaire began to dance while sitting.

Peter's foot taped to the beat, and he watched as the patriot shook his head. He was pissed, but didn't say anything. Natasha looked out of the window, her eyes narrowed while she watched the landscape. Wanda and Vision sat next to each other, not talking physically, but mentally. She glanced over to the teen. She, herself, was just nineteen, so she knew that this was a lot for the kid. When the fight in Sokovia happened, she and her twin brother, Pietro, we're just seventeen. And here she sat, glancing towards a fifteen year old who is going to be sixteen in twelve days. She gave him a small smile, which he also replied with a smile.

They landed in front of the forest, the sun was still shining, so they started searching by going in groups. Peter was in a group with Tony, Wanda and Natasha, while Steve was in a group with Sam, vision and Clint. Rhodes wasn't with them, since he still needed to learn how to walk with his prosthetic. And Thor and Bruce weren't with the avengers since Sokovia. And Scott, well he had house arrest, for one more year. When the groups went into different directions, the sun began to dim.

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