Souls 12

23 1 0

**Alanna's POV**

Approaching the kingdom, I realized how extravagant it was. Could Sedna's kingdom be as big too? I didn't have the guts to call her anything other than that yet... Maybe she was my aunt and had questions regarding my parents? The palace was decorated in coral with different pearls along the gate. Several mermen were posted along the entrance as the current dropped us off.

"Caleb what a surprise!" a merman said.

"So it seems. May we speak with Laurel?"

"Of course," he said eyeing me suspiciously, "follow me."

The throne room was pure marble. Three chairs sat next to each other where the royal family was supposed to sit.

"That's Laurel on the left and his wife is in the middle. Her name is Topaz. Lulu, their daughter, is somewhere."

Laurel seemed wiser than what he looked. His face resembled a man in his mid-thirties. It was odd seeing just a tail on him and then his bare chest. All of the mermen had six packs from what I had noticed. Topaz was younger, my best guess by five years and had blond ringlet curls flowing down. Her topaz colored tail flickered when she saw me.

"Good to see you Caleb," Laurel said.

"The pleasure is mine your Majesty."

Majesty? Jeez they weren't kidding when they said royal.

"Would you please explain why you brought her down here." Laurel commanded.

"She found the Ring of Shadows, sire," Caleb answered humbly.

It seemed as if everyone was holding their breath now. Did they not believe Caleb?

"Let me see the Ring."

I was scared to slip it off my finger but I did and handed it to the guard. Laurel gazed at it closely.

"You are far from your realm," Topaz commented.

"Your highness, Alanna was not aware of her true form up until moments ago," Patch breathed.

"I see... Very well then. Durango!"

A merman with a fiery orange tail swam in and stared at Topaz waiting for her command.

"Does Alanna look trustworthy?"

"Alanna? Your highness."

"Sedna's relative."

He turned to me and blinked twice. My eyes peered at him with curiosity. Durango was probably Caleb's age with sandy brown hair and a really tan complexion. Point blank, he was attractive.

"Um..." he stuttered and said, "she must be trustworthy if she's with Caleb."

"Father!" a girl said swimming in with a bright yellow tail.

"Lulu we're dealing with an issue right now. Can you come back later?"

Lulu's complexion was exactly like her mothers. She was eleven I guessed. Her eyes saw me and she frowned.

"Who's this?"

"This is our issue."

I kept my mouth shut and watched her closely.

"Are you letting her go?"

Laurel looked at Topaz then at me. "No. She could be a spy who manipulated Caleb."

"What!" Jewel yelled in fury.

"Your highness, I assure you she did not manipulate us. She's only known of her identity for a few hours."

Hunting Souls: The Ring of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now