"When is this bitch coming I ain't dress like this for my health?" Gold asked bultny making it known that she didn't come to be waiting for someone she didn't like, she lowkey wanted to beat her ass.

Shanie looked at Gold with an ugly look.

"Gold stop playing, I knew you came dress like that for a reason, but don't loose ya' baby over stupid shit," Shanie said and Gold nodded finally thinking of the joy that had been in her stomach for three weeks.

No she hadn't told Tunchi and Geniese yet because she was planning to tell them tonight, but bottom line she was excited. And she wasn't gone let anyone take that feeling away from her and her family.

So she smiled willingly,

"Agreed, I'm just gone sit here and be quiet," she said with a smile.

"You better," Shanie and Christi said making the three of them laugh until a oddly familiar shape came into view.

Shanie's sister, Kelly.

They all stopped laughing abruptly as Kelly sat in front of them and took her sunglasses off, that uncovered her baggy eyes, and didn't waste anytime saying how she felt about what she did.

She wasn't worried about the other two bodies just Shanie as she looked Shanie into her light brown eyes.

"Shanie, I just want to say I'm sooo so sorry for what I did. I honestly don't know what came over me and I just want to say I'm truly sorry and I wasn't trying to break up the home you guys have.

Your my sister and I love you.

I basically took care of you my whole life and I think that you should forgive me," Kelly said scratching at her bang.

Kelly didn't realize that just because you take care of someone their whole life doesn't mean that they should serve the ground you walk on or forgive you for the dirtiest thing you do.

Kelly was just worried about getting her sister back in her arms that she didn't care what she said and Shanie got that from what she said. Because she basically said the same thing over and over again. It wasn't genuine.

Not to mention, it was killing Gold not to say anything to Kelly.

"It's not that easy Kelly. You hurt me. You treated me as if I was a bitch out here in these streets and that shit ain't loyal.

Yeah you took care of me my whole life, but that don't give you credit to try to take me man or think that you can control me 'cause you can't.

I came here to hear your side, but I knew in the beginning that you ain't have one. I was just hoping you did, but as I sit here and hear these rehearsed lines, I see you might have cared for me then, but you don't care for me now," Shanie said sniffing and putting on her Ray Bans that sat in front of her. While Kelly flared her nose and let the anger that seeped inside of her take control.

"You know what I don't care anymore. I'm just going to be honest and say that you were always a boogie little bitch that always thought she was better than me because she was a "lawyer" with a "man" when I'm just a "wedding planner and lonely". But in reality honey I was always been better than you and I should have the man you have not you.

You don't deserve it. I do for taking care of you all these years.

You were just a little un greatful bitch then you come in here with ya' ugly ass friend---

Before she could say anything else, she was slapped in her face by Shanie, she had reached over the table and couldn't help but to lash out on the side of Kelly's cheek.

She couldn't believe the shit that was coming out of her mouth.

She was respectful, always came home to her sister with the best grades, and never acted like she was better than her sister even when she got a degree. She treated her sister great if you asked her and she would've never guessed her sister had these feeling towards her. If it wasn't for today, perhaps.

"How could you say shit like that.

I did everything in my power to make sure you never gave up in me when all along you were just like mama, but worse.

At least she acted like she wanted me, but you didn't want me at all.

But you know what, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you. I don't give a damn how you felt about me then or now because I'm still me at the end of the day and if you don't like me or my friends that's your business not mine and Devin. Yeah, him, that's my mah'fucking man and I'll be damned if I let you take him away from me.

You can be jealous you can be whatever you won't but I ain't gone sit here and preach to you 'cause theirs bigger fish to fry, but what I can say is you need help, big help.

And another thing, I always looked up to you Kelly because you did so much for me and you accomplished so much at a young age, but now. I'm done, their is nothing left to say to me. Forgive and forget, you move on and I will move on," Shanie said removing her finger from her sisters face and turning towards Gold and Christi.

"Let's go," she said getting up and glad no one was outside of the restaurant to see what had happened but them and exited the booth with Christi on one side of her and Gold, both holding her neck.

None of them looking back at Kelly, but looking towards the start of a new beginning.

"..Called me ugly, I'm glad you got her ass before I did. I'm proud of myself and you," Gold said making them erupt in laughter besides the tears that flowed from a sad Shanie.

She was glad she still had Gold and Christi in the end.

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*excuse the errors*

No this is not the ending it will say Epilogue when it is the end.

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