Part 9

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Letting her hands run through her dirty blonde hair Jennifer tried to catch her breathe between sobs. She cried in a way that was ugly and terrifying. The shag white carpet beneath her stained black with small drops of liquified mascara as she curled up into a tight ball to hug herself.

She was lost.

She was hopeless.

She was so scared.

Everything in her life was made from decisions that she could never change. She picked the poorest options and now she has done the same thing again.

She had wanted to let it all go and meet an angel in the sky but it turned out the angel she was looking to see was closer than she expected.

The girls beautiful smile played in her head like a short movie on repeat and her heart sped up. She had never felt this way about anyone but how could she make such a careless decision? She planned her entire life as soon as she could write and now it's like the pages have been torn out and the only pencil was given to a sick sadistic author. She can't fall in love while living this way.

She wasn't happy and there was a simple solution. Now everything was wrong. Now she didn't have a solution . She remembered what it felt like to smile and now her mind didn't want to stop. It was an addiction that she didn't want to run from.

Slowly getting up from the floor she wiped her tears away. Her blue eyes staring at herself .

She almost had happiness but she screwed If up again. If she had just stayed there with Aurora then she could wake up with her to tell her the good news. That she can take her to an island to live the good life. But how can she do that now. She left her alone.

She doesn't deserve to be handed full packages of crazy anyway.

Sniffling a couple of times Jennifer leaned forward and stretched her back. Her emotions ranged from sad to angry. She didn't want to ruin her chance of happiness.

She didn't want to pretend to be happy anymore she wanted to actually be happy.

Putting a regular T-shirt on and some blue jeans Jennifer walked to her closet. She learned after that long cold night a coat is very necessary.

Closing the closet door she opened her phone. She knew exactly what she had to do. She knew what she really wanted and she had to at least try. Maybe it wouldn't work out and life really is a bitch but she can't let something like this go without seeing what could be. She always told herself getting her hopes up was a bad idea but this was impossible to hold at low hope.

Speed walking out of her familiar building Jennifer looked around seeing her breathe twirl into a beautiful smoke. Seeing from a far a woman that seemed familiar she started running towards the body hoping it was who she thought it to be. It was possible since Aurora didn't live very far away. Tapping the girl on the shoulder she turned Looking Jennifer up and down.

"Oh god I thought I got lucky when you walked out."

Nodding her head she clasped her hands together, "Kate where's Aurora?"

Raising her eyebrows and scoffing she crossed her arms, "Why would I tell you?"

"Because..." Jennifer let the palm of hands rub her eyes as she tried thinking of the right words, "I need her. I need to talk to her I mean."

Letting her face fall Kate sighed and waved her phone behind her, "Honestly I don't know where she is, maybe at that bar with crappy lighting."

Pulling her into a hug Jennifer smiled, "Thank you so much!" Running over to the curb she raised her fingers to her lips to let out a very high pitch whistle. Jumping in the back when a cab pulled up she smiled seeing the familiar face. "Have you seen your wife?"

The man let his eyes lit up as he looked back, "She absolutely loved the gifts. I ran home and gave them to her as soon as you got out of my car." His eyes showed his smile lines as he patted his steering wheel. "God work's in amazing ways ma'am. I'm so glad I got to see you again. Where can I take you? On the house of course."

"The same bar you took me too a few hours ago!" she didn't even bother with her seatbelt she sat up anxiously and watched as buildings came closer and then faded away behind them. "Right here!" Opening the door she smiled at him, "Here's my phone number, when your kids get older let me know what they want to pursue. We may have to talk about some colleges." Handing him the torn piece of paper with scribbles he shook his head before letting his lip curl.

"I don't deserve this." He whispered, "Why me? Why my family."

Biting the side of her lip Jennifer looked out her window before back at him through her messy hair, "Because I didn't know what Love was. I didn't even know what to look for, but now I feel like I have a pretty good idea because of you."

"No offense, but what kind of troubles have you been through?" His brown eyes looked up from the paper and Jennifer gave a questioning look. "I'm just saying," he continued, "You seem rough."

"I guess I've just been in pain." She replied laying her head on the leather head rest with a soft voice.

"Well I don't think pain just shows up in our life for no reason. It's probably a sign that something needs to change."

She watched him chew his gum roughly and she smiled. "You're absolutely right and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

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