"There's no need to take a test, I'm a hundred percent sure you're the damn father, Calum."

"You're three weeks pregnant right?" She nodded."I've been married for almost five weeks," She looked down and bit the inside of her cheeks. "I'm not the father, and I'm really sad that the baby has you as a mother. You're manipulative and a liar." I stood up from the table and left the coffee shop, feeling rather happy.


E l e n a

"Why do you smoke so much, Lukey?" I giggled. Luke has been smoking the whole day, and this is my third ciggarette, counting the first one I had in the morning.

"I do what I want, I'm punk rock."

"No you're not." I giggled again. "I miss Calum."

"I'm pretty sure he misses you too," he muttered. "A whole damn lot."

"You think so?" I asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry, the baby's not his. I know him, El."

"Okay." I smiled.

"You need to stop smoking, seriously. It's bad for you."

"Then why do you do it?" I asked.

"Because I want to and I can." He mimicked me. "That was so sassy of you." He laughed.

"I'm naturally like that, Luke." I giggled. My smile slowly faded and I threw away the ciggarette (I obviously made sure it wouldn't cause a fire) "Getting high is not going to solve my problems, and they're not going to solve yours either." I took the ciggarette away from him and stepped on it before throwing it away. "Stop smoking."

"Under one condition," He said.

"I will not kiss you this time, Hemmings." I warned him.

"Don't worry, I told you I love you as a sister now." He chuckled. "Promise me you're going to be there for Calum no matter what."

"I promise," I held out my pinky and interwined it with his.

"Even if the baby's his?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Even if the baby is his." I promised.

"You're a really good person, Elena. He's very lucky to have you." I blushed and looked down.

"I'm the lucky one,"

"I'm lucky too, you know?" Luke said. "A lot of things happened thanks to you."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I met Michael, and he's so cool. I'm also friends with Ashton now, and I'd never thought I'd be his friend. We play some music now and then and I really appreciate that." He smiled. "Also, you're the only person I've opened up to in a very long time."

"You're the only person I had when I moved in, you helped me too, you know? Michael too, but he was a thousand miles away."

"I have to tell you something," He said and cleared his throat. "Don't do drugs unless you like them." I thought he was going to say something serious, but I laughed really hard because it wasn't serious at all.

"Yeah, okay, I wont." I said and went back to my worried state. It's been an hour and a half and Calum's not home yet.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"Calum's taking really long," I muttered.

"He's probably hooking up with the girl." He shrugged.

"Fuck off." I hit him, making him groan.

"Why do you hate your mom so much?" He asked as he fumbled with his ring on his finger.

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