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"You can't do this!" I sobbed, gasping wildly like mating orcas.  My tears cascaded down my popcorn lubricated cheeks. 

"I will make the Ultimate sacrifice.  I'll do it," Tim stated. 

"Sshh, sshh, if you can't stop saying stupid things-don't speak," I scolded, pressing a greasy finger against Tim's thin, crusty lips.  As if lost in ecstasy, Tim's body writhed from lust and torment.  His fresh, succulent mouth, reminded me of a cactus, and I only wanted to moisten his lips with my own.

Desire made him gag.  It was hard to watch, but I couldn't avert my gaze. 

"Amber, please have mercy on me," he wailed.

"What's wrong," I cooed. 

"You hand smells like shit."

Victoria cackled in the background.  On the spur of the moment, I recalled that I'd wiped my ass with my right hand.  No wonder Tim looked so miserable.  It all made sense. 

"I'm so sorry, Tim-."

"Enough," Theodorus interrupted.  He freed Tim from bondage, and the Asian crumpled sexily to the urine stained floor.  Rising on wobbly legs, he walked towards me.  This is the part where we run away together and live happily ever happy. 

I wondered why Victoria and Micheal remained frozen, and their faces portrayed unimaginable pain or constipation.  As if reading my thoughts, Theodorus answered my question.  

"Your narration is getting on my last nerve.  It's one of my special abilities, paralysis-meaning, they can't move."

"I'm sorry Amber, that I couldn't protect you.  And that-," Tim was rudely cut off. 

"Please shut-up already and get on with it," Theodorus snapped.  The Illuminati Knight of Justice was as exasperated as he was heartless.  Tim.  It was our final moment together, and I didn't want it to end, and unfortunately, the malicious Vampire thug, wanted us to hurry up. 

"Will it hurt?" I heard myself whisper.  This was finally happening, and there was nothing I could do to prevent the inevitable. 

"Excruciatingly," Tim consoled, "it will hurt worse than anything you've ever felt before."

I didn't think it was possible for anything to hurt more than waxing, but then again, I was about to die.  I'd hoped it would be painless, but maybe that's just wishful thinking. 

Tim tried to comb his fingers through my crazy, wild hair.  I yelped as he tugged a fist-full of my greasy locks, yanking my head to the side as he struggled to liberate himself. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," he excused lamely. 

He gazed into my eyes, and I wondered if they mirrored his sadness and despair.  Awaiting a life changing, heart stopping, romantical kiss, I puckered my lips, and grunted like a brute in attempts at seduction.

I could feel Tim inch closer and closed my eyes in anticipation.  My armpits were damp and perspiration was pooling in the crevices of my breasts.  My breath quickened, and my heart fluttered manically. 

His hands stayed on my shoulders, and with masculine grace, he pulled me closer towards him.  Instead of locking lips, our foreheads collided.  Quickly recovering from embarrassment, we tried to kiss again.  Only this time, I smashed my cranium against his nose, probably breaking it.  Oops.

We tried a third time, and I belched in his face.  Popcorn lingered in the gentle wind, and it smelt like someone fired up a wick candle to mask something ungodly. 

Tim retched, "what the hell did you eat?" He waved his hand dismissively, as if to command the air to smell better, "because I can taste it."

I wasn't completely sure how to react to that, so I swatted Tim's words like I would an annoying mosquito, and accidentally smacked Tim in the face.  Remembering that we had to end things quickly, we tried again. 

Fourth time is a charm, and I felt hurt when Tim flinched, cowering away from me in reverence.  As luck will have it, our lips finally locked, sparks ignited, and my lady parts swooned. 

"That was amazing," I mumbled.  Maybe it was because it would be my last kiss ever, but it felt like the most extraordinary thing, until I realized I was blind. 

"I can't see!" I cried, lost in confusion, "I'm blind!"

"Do you trust me?" Tim asked.

"Uh, yes?"

"Open your eyes, Amber," Tim cooed, guiding me to the light. 

Once I opened my eyes, I saw an Asian angel. 

"I can see again!" I felt so relieved, "It's a miracle!"

"Focus Amber, we don't have much time left.  I love you.  I want you to be happy.  Promise me," he started, his voice catching with each syllable, "that you won't ever drive."

"What? Are you serious?" I demanded.

"You're not really a good driver, it's for the safety of humanity and trees.  Just promise," Tim begged. 

"I promise," I lied, folding my arms in mock tyranny. 

"Before the next century," Theodorus hissed. 

"The initial bite will hurt.  You will feel a thousand decibels of pain.  It will feel like every bone in your physical structure is being smashed to pieces, every nerve will be heightened to feel endless pain."

"And then what?" I asked.

"Everyone is different, so I'm not sure how long the transformation will be.  Before the pain ceases, you will drink my blood, and then the pain will worsen.  You will scream and beg for mercy, but no one will be able to help you."

"If go through this, you'll die?" I sobbed.  Reality dangled like anchors on my feet, submerging me in sadness. 

"That is the ultimatum," Theodorus stated coolly. 

With those words, Tim exposed his fangs.  I tilted my head to the left, exposing my creamy skin, granting him access to my neck.  Tim warned me that it would hurt, but nothing could truly prepare me for this.  He bit into an artery, similar to the way I would devour a bucket of chicken tenders. 

"I can't let you sacrifice yourself, Tim," Victoria cursed.  Darting across the room like a madwoman, kitchen knife held in midair, Victoria thrust the silver blade into Tim's chest. 

"NNOOOOOO!" I screamed. 

Theodorus didn't hesitate, but he was still too late.  Victoria's eyes rolled in the back of her head as her creator snapped her neck. 

Tim fell to the floor, and I watched with horror as a dark stain appeared across his chest.  Pain overcame me in shock rippling waves.  Despite Victoria's neck being broken, her muscles were involuntarily twitching.  A smile was frozen on her lips. 

Tim drew the knife out of his chest, and his shirt was drenched with his own blood.  He called out to me, his voice sounded so far away.  Helpless, I lay on the floor, taking in the man I love die.  Nicole's ghost was beside me in an instant.  She really was waiting for me to cross over to the other side. 

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