Soap Burns

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Tranquility smelled like fresh cut grass, honey-smoked wood; freedom almost seemed fickle as my hair danced in the wind.  The scenery was as stunning as it was serene, quiet and cool.   The sun sank into the bone cold waters and I could nearly taste the crust of the crisp night air.  This would be last sunset I saw as a virgin.  Tonight would be the night that Tim would take my virginity.

Tim was scouting the island for firewood.  Despite the hundred degree weather; the air felt chilly.  I rubbed my hands together to breathe warmth in them.  Agitated and cold, I went back into the wooden cabin; our sexy love retreat. 

Feeling like some operative spy, I scoped outside a glass window, waiting impatiently for Tim.  I don’t know how much time I spent looking out the window; I probably looked like a ghost frozen in memory.  I wondered if I would be a different person; if anything would change.  I knew that once the deed was done, I would have to die.  That was the arrangement.  Distracted, I didn't notice the darting shadow in the distance. 

Luckily, it was only Tim and not a member of the Illuminati.  Beaming from ear to ear, I gave him a peck on the cheek.  Known for my clumsiness and stupidity, I kissed with my teeth and almost bit off a piece of his face. 

“Jesus Amber that really hurt!” He shrieked.

“It was just an accident,” I said. 

Tim was strained; juggling the chopped wood in his arms; forgetting himself, he dropped the pile of wood.  He rubbed his reddened face as if to comfort himself.  By doing so, he dropped everything on his feet. 

Howling like a wounded animal, he looked at me menacingly.  I couldn’t help myself; I always laugh at the worst most inconvenient times.  Holding my stomach and trying to breathe, I held out my hand as if to justify my tears of laughter.  I was completely hysterical and Tim was annoyed.

I tried to gather my thoughts and stop myself from snorting.  Tim ran into me with super speed, forcing my back against the west wall of the cabin. 

He pinned my arms above my head.  I was a foot shorter than him so I had to crane my neck to look up at him.  All laugher died in my throat at his close proximity. 

“Not laughing now,” he whispered erotically, his breath making my skin tingle. 

Suddenly conscience of my breath, I couldn’t speak.  Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t.  Tim’s lips crushed mine passionately. 

Contact broke long enough for him to say,” You are mine; you belong to me.”

Tim’s left hand still held my wrists pinned above my head, but he expertly used his other hand to tease my body.  He used one finger to trace circles on my skin, circling lower and lower until he reached my breast.  Trying and failing not to pant like some savage animal, I was sweating bullets.  Being slightly overweight and in this heat, the perspiration was gross. 

Tim’s finger was almost possessed; it danced to its own hot tune as it trotted down into the warm inferno, the sweaty valley between my breasts, smelly and slick with passion.  Tim could smell my blood, and every second that he did not rip my clothes to shreds and suck my blood caused his gums to swell.  His body trembled from the restraint; his fangs were starting to bud. 

To my dismay, he pulled back, breathing heavily as if he just finished running a marathon.  I wasn’t doing too much better.  Surely I was going to die from a heart attack at any moment.  Clutching my heart with a sore hand, our eyes locked on each other as if were each other’s prey. 

My face was flushed, I had uncomfortable boob sweat, and I was now developing swamp ass.  At some point, my ponytail broke and now my hair tumbled around my pudgy frame in long thick waves.  My heart was racing wildly; I had goose bumps even though I felt hot all over.

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