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Michael’s POV

“I thought you were dead,” I confessed.  I couldn’t believe this was a woman I once admired, respected, and even loved.  Looking at her now, I could barely distinguish between all the multiple personalities.  She was batshit crazy. She was like the report-woman for the Illuminati.  She tracks down Vampires that break our laws.  She’s within her position to do whatever she deems necessary. 

  I already felt like I was in over my head, but then again, I knew that when I let Tim go.  I should’ve tried harder to keep them apart.  I couldn’t wrap my head around it, what did he see in her, in Amber? Amber was nothing like Victoria. 

Amber is clumsy, stupid, and human.  She’s not even pretty.  Looking at Victoria, I could understand how he fell for her.  She was intelligent, stunning, classy, and deadly as she was lovely.  I’ve seen men slaughter one another for just the chance to claim her.  My heart recoiled, I loved Victoria like a sister. 

“If I remember correctly, it was your fault.”

Here we go

I shuddered at the memory.  Chosen for my courage, bravery, and murderous vengeance, I was welcomed into a secret clan, the Illuminati.  To me, it was like a game.  The killing came naturally.  I didn’t mind it, didn’t regret the lives I took. 

I made a pact, I took an oath.  The temptation was too great.   I had a secret that was just burning my tongue.  I had to tell someone, anyone.  If that person would swear secrecy, I would be safe.  Right? Wrong.  The Illuminati are everywhere.  They have eyes everywhere, they know everything. 

“You just couldn’t keep your mouth shut.  You just had to tell me your little secret.”

“Victoria, I’m sorry.  I thought that they-.”

“What? That they killed me? That they spared me and let me go? You work for them.  Are you stupid or are you just that naive?”

“I was young, I didn’t know any better-.” I was cut off again by her endless nagging.  Was I ever going to be able to finish a sentence? The more I thought about it, the more I came to accept the impossibility of a woman keeping her mouth shut.  She always was a talker and I see she hasn’t changed at all. 

“The Illuminati made me a deal.  They told me I possessed great power.  In exchange for my life, I had to leave my old life behind.  I had to abandon my husband, Tim.”

My eyes must’ve been as wide as saucers.  I couldn’t believe the she was admitting to this. 

“So you left Tim to die?” My voice cracked as if I just hit puberty. 

“There are laws for a reason.  You're not innocent.  I did this to save Tim, and to spare your immortal soul,” spittle flew out of her mouth as she spat her words. 

“We thought you died from the plague,” I said heatedly, my temper was quickly rising. 

“You thought I was spared? Humans cannot know we exist.  As agreed, I had to disappear.  I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.  I visited Tim before I did so.  I stood over his sickbed, watched him suffer, and I ran to our leaders, begged the Illuminati for him to be spared.  They were proceeding to kill you for exposing their secret, but I spared you.  Tim was starting to pass away, so I obtained permission to save him.”

Remembering Tim’s description of seeing an angel, I faded in and out, barely listening to her blabbering.  Praying she would shut-up soon, or kill me, whichever came first, I did my best to tune her out.  Making eye contact every once in a while helped soothe her, it gave her the illusion that I was actually listening.  I would’ve preferred to stab my ear drums if possible.

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