The Secrets of the Universe

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Standing beneath the blaring sun in the midriff of an August heat felt like Hell.  My balls were sticking to my leg and there was nothing I could really do about it.  Sweat trickled off of my forehead, and my shirt clung uncomfortably to my sexy frail body.

I was meeting someone important here and she was already late.  My mind was racing with questions.  This person could see the future and she could tell me what I desperately needed to know.

I closed my eyes, seeing orange because of the stupid sun, and strained to keep my mind from wandering to cool, perverse darkness.

"Micheal," a dark voice whispered.  Her voice was husky as if she'd been crying. I wanted to run to her, hold her close to my dead heart, make her forgive me, but I held myself in check.

"Luna.  How gracious of you to show up," I pronounced.

"Follow me," she said curtly.

"Now listen here-."

"We're being watched.  We need to go someplace private.  Shut-up, and follow me," she hissed, as her eyes looked towards the future only she could see. 

I peeked round, expecting to discover something out of the ordinary, but everything was normal.  Perhaps, Luna lost her mind.

After what I had done to her, what I'd taken from her, I was surprised she had any sanity left.  Luna was always special, she was gifted.  A natural Shadow Hunter.  I followed orders.  I did what I was told to do.  Maybe, If I had seen her angelic face... I would've done things differently.

"How have you been?" I asked, awkwardly. 

Without glancing back, she flicked her pretty hair as if to shake off her bitchiness.  She seemed lost in her own thoughts.  I could use hypnosis on her, make her do what I wanted, but I couldn't. 

Without another word, I followed her into a gloomy abyss, and was haunted by an even darker past.



I gazed at paradise, surrounded by a sea of red, pink, and gold.  Rose petals glistened and sparkled like rubies, and appeared more extravagant than diamonds and money.  Such beauty and even so, there was no one to treasure such scenery.  For every man and male child are at War.

These are not peaceful times. 

Charles II is King of Spain and he's the last of the Hapsburg line.  Too sick and incompetent to produce an heir, his cousin will be the one to inherit the crown.  All of Europe is an uproar because this 'Prince' is in a position to inherit the Spanish and French Empires under one crown. 

I am a Frenchwoman, but I'm not a madwoman.  Only I can see the bloodshed.  I look upon paradise again and see a different setting.  Bodies instead of flowers, blood, destruction, and greed will seep into the ground.

No one will see this place as I do.  It will be commemorated as a lieu of great disaster, and not the beautiful garden it once was. 



"Where are we? Why does this place smell like s**t?" I cursed.  I sniffed at the air like some impure werewolf.  It was revolting. 

"Amber was here," Luna said flatly. 

"That explains a lot.  Wait. Where is she now? Will she be back-."

"No.  Let's focus on why you summoned me," she stated, her words like ice, creating a sleet over my already cold heart. 

"I know about the resistance.  I want to help," I offered. 

"You've done more than enough," she said through clenched teeth. 

Before I could say anything else, she slapped me.  It didn't hurt, but then again, I'm a vampire.  Nothing can hurt me. 

Noticing that Luna broke her hand, she averted my gaze, and snapped her hand back in place, all the while her bones crunched and snapped as everyting locked into position.  She acted as if nothing phased her, but I knew better.  It's been centuries and she's still pissed at me for what I did to her. 

"I'm sorry, Luna.  I had to-."

"I know why," she snapped, interrupting me for the second time, throwing her hands up in the air to mock my authority, "because you're an Illumaniti lapdog.  You couldn't be bothered to think for yourself.  I never wanted to be a Vampire.  I wanted to bear children and grow old and die in my sleep, but you murdered my husband and turned me."

"Times have changed, but the Law's haven't.  We both know why we're here, so let's work together now, and then you can go on hating me."

Luna seethed with rage.  I had killed her husband and taken away her future, only to bind her to her curse for all eternity. 

"Tell me, what did you see?" I asked, feigning patience. 

"Tim betrayed the Order, the Illumaniti.  The Law of Secrecy states that Amber must be executed or," she hesitated, "she becomes one of us. Still, if she becomes a Vampire, Tim must sacrifice his immortality, therefore, granting Amber, hers.  If Amber is not executed, or changed, she and Tim will share a horrifying fate.  They'll both die."

"I have seen every possible scenario.  I assume Tim is still alive, based off of what I know about Victoria," Luna continued. 

"Spit it out, already.  Don't cite the Laws, tell me what you saw.  I know the resistance is rising.  I know the resistance plan to overthrow the Order, and kill any Illumaniti members that oppose change."

"I see betrayal.  Tim will try to kill Amber, but he will fail.  His love for her is stronger than Victoria's powers.  He will remember who Amber is, but it will be too late.  Amber will die, that I'm certain.  And when she does, Tim will lose his s**t.  He will go on a rampage, killing every Illumaniti member abiding the old ways.  Amber's death will guarantee the downfall of the Order, the Illumaniti."

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, feeling hope that I could still save my younger brother. 

"Simple. Let Amber die."


Waiting for Nicole to get a rental car, I stared at my bracelet.  It was a gift from Tim.  I've never taken if off, which would explain why my wrist looked green and sickly.  Together, Nicole and I, we're going to track down Victoria and avenge Tim's death. 

Not being good with directions, I explained where Tim was last, to the best of my abilities.  Nicole was telepathic, so she was tracking Victoria, without the ice-queen even realizing it. 

Victoria was no longer in the cabin in the middle of nowhere.  Where ever she was heading, I was going to find her, and kill her myself, even if that meant I died trying. 

Hello Readers,

As always, thank you for reading my story.   If something doesn't make sense, please let me know so I can fix it.  Thnx :) I know this chapter is flippy-floppy with all the time travel.   It makes sense to me, but hey, time travel is confusing...  :) Any-hoo, I gave you a piece of the plan... I know... there's more excitement.  Luna is very secretive.  

Is Luna EVIL? Does anyone hate Micheal even more? How is Tim and Victoria? Does Amber stand a chance against Victoria? Until next chapter :d

 Picture of Luna's memory of Paradise on the right.  Title of photo is roses paradise by adypetrisor.  Website to photo 

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