I'm So Sorry

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Hello everyone it's me the writer back from the dead hahaha

Okay let me stop wasting time and get to the point. Obviously I have abandoned this story/book for quite a long time and to be honest I was just planning on letting it stay like this (heheh) but it's not like I haven't been occasionally checking in (but it's like once every 4 months ??). 

I have part two's to a few stories and even new stories that were actually interesting ?? but along the line somewhere in my life I just slowly stopped writing and moved onto other things. But now that I'm a senior in high school I surprisingly have not much to do ? And this feeling of writing and publishing chapters and getting the feedback and just going back and reading my own stuff just felt so nice to me but I didn't realize until now. 

So, I just really want that writing feeling back. But at the same time I know I did you guys dirty hehsorryaboutthat. 

The last few chapters might be a little obvious that it was pulled out of my ass in an attempt to not lose you guys but honestly there's so many fucking errors and just shit writing and i'm really tempted to go back and fix it. But at the same time I know it can be annoying when writers do that maybe ??? I dunno you guys let me know.  

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