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"Oi.. Haru.. Haaruu.. Haaaruuu!" 



Haru glanced at Rin waiting for him to say something, but Rin stayed silent. The two boys were in Haru's living room once again. Rin was sitting on his back,  his legs up against a wall while Haru was sitting next to him, his back up against the wall. They were just sitting in silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. 

" Haarruuuu!!" Rin called once again. This time Haru answered back immediately "What is it Rin?..." Silence. Haru was starting to get a bit annoyed. "Rin what is it..?" Rin just kept his gaze up at the ceiling with a plain expression on his face. 

Haru just stared at Rin. What does he want? The staring continued for a few more seconds before he closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the wall. 

"Oi! Haaaruuu!!" 

"What is it Rin??" Haru said his voice a little louder than before. 

Rin chuckled and looked at Haru with a sharky grin. "Kiss me"

"......" Haru just stared at Rin once again but this time you could see the annoyance on his face. He sighed and gave Rin a kiss on the lips before smiling a bit.

Rin x Haruka OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now