Student!Haruka x Teacher!Rin

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Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... The clock hit 5:40pm. It was getting late, the sun was setting. 

"Rin... It's getting late I should get home now, my mom'll worry."

Rin just glanced at Haru for a few seconds before turning away with closed eyes. "Hm.." he hummed in response. 

"...." Haru sighed, "Sensei ..."

"Yes? Oh right, I guess it is time to go ..." the slightly older male replied with a small semi-smirk. The two males had gotten close since the first year Haru had his class. Rin or Mr. Matusoka, was an English teacher at Iwatobi high school. It was during Haru's second year that their relationship started rocketing. 

Haru's quiet yet mysterious personality is what made the Matsuoka curious. Everyday after class he would try and talk to the student to maybe open up but Haru wouldn't budge. Soon enough Rin got so desperate he decided go for parental help and eventually an agreement was made. 'Haru is to head after school every Thursday to Mr. Matsuoka's classroom'.  

Of course Haru wasn't very ecstatic about it at first. All Rin did the first few days was  bombard him with all sorts of questions like, "How come you're so quiet?", "Do you have any siblings?", "Have any hobbies?", "You're pretty good at drawing, are you in art club?". They were answered but not with words, just a glance, then a sigh, and finally a head turn. 

Frustrated, Rin decided to go for answers. He asked, teachers, students, and even check a few personal records. And that's when he found him. Makoto Tachibana. 

"Eh? You wanna know about Haru Rin-Sensei..?" Rin nodded his head which was resting on his hands with all of his attention on Tachibana. "Uhm well.. Haru-chan really loves to swim.." 


And like a lightbulb an idea went off in the Matsuoka's head and in the next meet up he brought up that exact topic. "You know... when I was younger I used to compete in lots of swimming tournaments..." And just like that their weekly conversation sessions started.

Now back to the present time ...

Haru was gathering his things and putting them in his book bag while Rin sat up and adjusted his shirt and tie a bit. "Should I walk you back..?" the older male asked with an eyebrow slightly raised. " ...." Haru looked at him with a small smile. "Only half way."

~ ~

It was half way and Rin had stopped walking. "Well.. tell your mother I said hi, 'kay?" Haru nodded his head and looked at Rin. "Rin--"

"Oh! I almost forgot..." A small kiss was placed on the others lips as his cheeks grew red. "G'night" the redhead purred with a charming smile as he headed off in the other direction, hand in pockets. 

"g-good night..." 

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