Rin ...??

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A knock at the door at around 2 am is what made Haruka Nanase get out of bed. But what made him actually wake up was his unexpected friend, Rin Matsuoka standing in front of him badly bruised and injured. "Rin??" Haru questioned. Before another word could slip out of his mouth Rin took one step forward and basically fell into Haru's arms. Haru, of course, caught him but there was a struggle. Rin was heavy you know!

After he had been cleaned up and bandaged, Haru stood in front of his bed that now held an unconcious Rin. 'What happened? How did he get beat up like this? Was he in a fight? Was he mugged?' Those were just a few of the many questions running through Haru's mind. While being washed, Rin was unfortunately completely silent. He seemed dazed as if he was drugged or something, which of course didn't make Haru feel any better. What if he was drugged, raped, then thrown back into the streets left to die, and somehow stumbled his way over here?

A number of emotions flowing through Haru's body was enough to make him feel lightheaded, so he decided it was best for him to sit down. Now with his back up against the wall, on the floor hugging his knees, Haruka's eyes stayed on Rin as he continued to imagine horrid situations Rin could have just experienced. 

- - - -

Morning came and Haru ended up falling asleep on the floor, back still pressed against the wall. He opened his eyes slowly, taking a second to let them adjust from the sudden light. He rubbed his eyes and looked straight ahead to see Rin still one his bed but now awake wrapped up in his blankets. 

"Mornin'" he said while giving a small smile. "Ah, I hope you don't mind I made some tea while you were asleep... " 

It took a second for Haru to remember why Rin was here but when recovered he goes over to him with a worried expression and a soft hand on his shoulder. "Rin. Are you alright?? What happened to you?" 

The worried tone in his voice made the Matsuoka laugh. "It's okay itsokayHaru, geez didn't think you'd get this worried over me. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time that's all." 

Haru still seemed worried and looked at him with a look that made it obvious this was something Haru wasn't gonna just shrug off. "Rin you're badly injured." 

"Hah?" he started while moving the blankets a bit to check his body "Just a few scrapes and cuts here and there, I wouldn't say badly injured. But geez those guys did do a number on me..." Rin chuckled a bit and looked at Haru.

Why was he taking this so lightly? Haru just looks at Rin with a troubled look. 

"? .." Rin realizes this and his smile starts to fade once he realizes that Haru wasn't gonna let this go so easily. "Hey.. i'm okay.. there's nothing for you to worry about.." Rin lets out a light sigh before carefully laying back on Haru's bed. 

It was silent for a few minutes until Haru's voice broke through. "Why did you come here?" The question made Rin sit back up to look at Haru's expression as he asked. "I guess.. it was the closest shelter I could find.. ?" 

He wasn't sure what it was but Haru just felt as though he wasn't getting the full truth here. The fact that he was coincidentally within reach of Haru's house during an incident like this and the fact that he just so happened to be in the "wrong place wrong time" just seemed a little too fishy. After all, this is a very safe area and hardly anything of that nature has happened here ever since Haru was a kid. But if Rin truly doesn't wanna share anymore then I suppose it's best to leave it alone, he thought. 

"I'm glad you're feeling okay. " and with that Haru stood up and made his way onto the bed beside Rin. "I.. I don't know what I would do if I had lost you Rin.. I was honestly really scared."

Rin couldn't believe what he was hearing. "H-Hey Haru i-it's--!" Rin looked at Haru with complete shock. He wouldn't think that something like this would actually bring Haru to tears? 

Using his arm Haru wipes the forming and future tears from his eyes. "I care about you Rin.. please be more careful when you're alone out there" Rin was stunned. He couldn't even think about how to react or what to say. "Mn.." Rin looks away and sits to think for a moment. But as he was facing the opposite way his hand made it's way on top of Haru's for comfort. "I'm sorry.. to have you worry.." 

"Rin." Rin finally turns to face Haru and as he does his eyes widen as he feels the warmth of Haru's lips up against his own. The kiss doesn't last for long but when Haru pulls away Rin is once again left stunned. But instead of freezing over Rin brings Haru into a hug. It just felt like the right thing to do. Feeling Haru's body against his own and vise versa. The two just sat together in silence as they knew each others feelings had been mutual. 

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