Rin x Fem!Haruka

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The suns energetic beams shone threw the window of Rin and Haru's bedroom. Rin was shirtless and sound asleep while Haru was admiring Rin and giving his hair gentle strokes.

"Mm..." Haru smiled lightly and gave Rin a small kiss on the forehead before getting up and taking a look around the room. Rin's clothes were scattered across the floor along with a few of her own. She sighed and began to pick up the clothes to fold them and place them gently on the bed, taking Rin's shirt and putting it on along with her shorts.

After being in the bathroom for a few to freshen up she headed downstairs and began to make breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon were on the menu for today. A small tune was hummed as she peacefully started the day.

That was until she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and pull her in close. "Morning.." Rin's voiced purred as he smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Haru's neck.

Haru gasped lightly and closed her eyes with a light smile. "You scared me.."

Rin chuckled as he sways Haru from side to side slowly. "Did I? I'm sorry"

With her eyes back open she glances at Rin and tries to wiggle out of his grasp. "Cut it out, you're gonna make me burn the food"

Ignoring her words Rin continued to gently move Haru and place soft kisses on her neck and a bit of her jaw causing her to giggle quietly. "Rin come oon stop it.." She repeated as she playfully pushes him back a bit.

Rin laughed and walked over to the counter to lean up against it and watch Haru cook. Haru glanced at Rin and stook her tongue out. "You know you could help.."

Rin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "And how do you suppose I do that without my shirt hm?" he said as he tugged on his shirt that Haru was wearing.

"You've got other shirts don't you?"

"Agh yeah but.. mn hold on" Rin groaned as he headed back upstairs to grab another shirt causing Haru to laugh.

"I love you too" Haru shouted from upstairs.

"Yeah yeah loveyoutoo"


Rin x Haruka OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora