Beloved Friend (PART 1)

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Jealous!Makoto + Rin x Haruka



It was late at night and Haru was in the tub. Unsurprisingly he had been in there for a few hours. Sure you could say his love for water was very high. But right now water wasn't what was on his mind.

He sat naked in the tub as the cold water sprayed from the shower head and onto his bare back.

His head was sunk into his knees, and his eyes weren't closed but open as they watched the unbelievable twisted events that had just occurred at his "beloved" best friends house.

[ About an hour ago..]

After a couple hours of good practice after school the Iwatobians decided to head to Makoto's house for a little bit more fun.

Games were played, snacks were eaten, and laughter filled the room. It was good time. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and Rei and Nagisa headed home before they missed the last train.

Haru stayed behind to help clean up and he didn't live that far away anyway so why not stay a little longer?

As Haru helped clean up he couldn't help but notice that Mako was staring at him a little more than usual. Haru stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Mako.

"Ah..sorry I'm just thinking" Mako said with a light smile. Haru looked at him in curiosity, wondering what he was thinking about. But he brushed it off and continued cleaning. If Mako wanted to tell him then he would.

"Haru ..What do you see in Rin?"

Haru once again stopped what he was doing. But this time he didn't turn to look at Mako. He stayed still. "...What are you talking about?"


"I mean" Makoto sat up from the floor and stared at Haru from behind. He slowly inched closer to Haru with a serious expression plastered onto his face. "What is it about him that makes you so interested?"

Haru continued cleaning and ignored Mako's question. Why should he answer it anyway? It was none of Mako's business. Haru was about to wipe down a table before he felt hands snake around his body, a little lower than he liked.

"M-Makoto?" Mako hugged Haru from behind with an unusually tight grip as he whispered in Haru's ear, "What can Rin do that I can't?" Mako's hips grinded up against Haru's lower area causing Haru to feel something of Mako he wished he would never feel.

Disgusted, Haru pushed Makoto away and decided it was time to leave. He left the rag on the table and grabbed his book bag. "I'm going home" he said, his voice barley audible.

But before he could escape Mako pushed him up against a nearby wall. "Haru? Are you not enjoying yourself?" At this point Haru was terrified. He just wanted to slip out of Mako's grip and run home, run to saftey, Run to Rin.

Haru was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Makoto's hands slip down to Haru's crotch. Haru's eyes widened. "M-Makoto! Stop!" He pushed Makoto with as much strength as he could manage but Makoto was stronger. Haru struggled to get away as his eyes filled with tears of regret. It seems that Mako wasn't letting him go until he got what he wanted.

[ Present Time.. ]

Almost a whole month past since the "incident" and no one had been in contact with Haru. It was like he just suddenly disappeared and everyone was worried.

He wasn't at school, he didn't answer his phone (not like he ever did anyway), and worst of all no one could find him in his house.

"Coincidentally" Rin has been out and about as well. He had been asked multiple times if he had seen Haru but of course he answered no and quickly ran off to finish he current task.

Everyone was suspicious since he surprisingly seemed to care the least out of all of them. So they went to investigate.


Rin was currently walking back to the Samezuka dorms after buying a few things from the store. Little did he know he was being watched and followed by Nagisa, Rei, and Makoto. "Guys, are you sure this is a good idea?" Makoto whispered quietly but he was immediately shushed by Rei and Nagisa.

Rin sneaked back into Samezuka and went back into his dorm and closed the door with the Iwatobians right behind him listening from the other side of the door.

"I'm back"

"Rin-senpai!" Nitori got up from the top bunk and down to Rin. "He.. He hasn't said anything since you left.."

Rin looked over at the figure that was currently under his blankets hiding away from the world. Rin sighed and sat down on the bottom bunk and looked at the cold almost dead-like figure.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door everyone was wondering who Nitori was talking about. "Do you think Haru-chan's in there?" Nagisa whispered causing Rei and Mako to shrug.

Honestly Mako was secretly praying that Haru wasn't in that room. He felt beyond terrible for what he did and he knew Haru would never forgive him.

Just because he was jealous of Rin.

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