Chapter 26

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A few hours later after these events had taken place, I had sorted myself out after having a shower with Isaac, and it helped to clear my head. I had hidden the letters underneath my bed, and hadn't mentioned them, but I knew that I needed to, because it would help for both my parents and Penelope to understand the reason as to why Luke had done what he did.

I'd told Isaac exactly what I wanted to talk to my parents about, and the letter had inspired me to do so but I hadn't told Isaac about that, and he supported my decisions in every way possible. I really was so lucky to have him in my life.

We walked down to the living room, hand in hand whilst my other hand was behind my back with the three letters that Luke had wrote, and opened the door slowly, to face my mother and father. I was preparing myself mentally to have to tell them everything, and to have to apologise repeatedly for my actions. I sat down on the couch, whilst my Mum sat on an arm chair, and my Dad sat on the other. I felt really under pressure when they both stopped in mid conversation and looked at me. I didn't really know how to start what I wanted to say, but I knew what I was going to say, if that makes sense.

I looked down, biting my lip nervously which I'm guessing is a habit that I had picked up from my father, and then gathered my thoughts together, before taking a deep breathe and looking back at my parents, trying to avoid eye contact, so that it didn't feel as intense as it actually was. I had only ever been in a room with both my Mum and my Dad once that I could remember, and that was yesterday. Other than that, it felt strange seeing them together, but anyway I'm digressing.

"Mum, so this morning I went into Luke's room." I began, watching them as their faces began to drop at the mention of his name, which just made me feel really bad that I had to bring this subject up again. I mean I guess I knew that he was still on everyone's minds, and everyone was thinking about him, so I suppose that showing them the letters would help them a little to move on and know why he did this. "I found these letters, and I wanted to give you these because I think that's what he wanted."

I took the letters from behind my back, and handed each letter to the correct person. I still had Penelope's letter in my hand, and I knew that I was going to have to face her as well at some point, but right now all I could do was watch my Mum's and my Dad's facial expressions as they read the letters. Tears started to form in both of my parent's eyes, and out of instinct I got up and went over to each of them, rubbing their back soothingly and letting them it was going to be okay, even though I was starting to doubt that myself.

My Mum was crying far more than my Dad but there was definitely tears present in his eyes. I just didn't really know what to say to them, as I watched them break down in front of me like I had earlier.

"Thank you, son.. We'll talk to you later, in more detail, about this." My Dad said, and I nodded before getting up and taking Isaac with me out of the room.

"Do you want to go to Penelope's now and get that over with?" Isaac asked me, after we'd shut the door of the living room.

"Yeah, she only lives round the corner, and once we've done that we can go for a walk to help clear our heads a bit more." I suggested, and Isaac agreed. We walked out of the house, my hand still in Isaac's, heading towards Penelope's house, so we could deliver the letter I had kept behind my back once again. Once we got there, I slowly walked over to the door and knocked on it, then waited patiently for someone to answer. The door opened a little, and a woman in her late thirties opened the door.

She frowned a little as she saw me, then turned her head to Isaac and looked at our hands that were interlocked.

"Oh hello Jace. What can I do for you?" She asked politely, too politely if you ask me.

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