Chapter 19

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*Isaac's Point of View*

So, Jace and I are off to this party soon, that's held by one of Kane's friends that we met when we were looking for job applications, since we're struggling on the money side of things, but I haven't told that to Jace. I don't want him to worry, because I can figure this out myself. I can make things better so that we don't lose the apartment that we're staying in, because it really is perfect for us both, and we would both be in bad positions again.

Jace was currently in the shower, whilst I was in the bedroom, getting suitable clothes on for a party, and getting myself ready. I wasn't too keen on the idea of this, since I saw the way that Mike guy looked at Jace, and he even winked at him, but I guess I can't do anything about it. I'll stay by him the entire night, then nothing can happen.

Kane is starting to warm up to me, I don't feel like I did when I first met him, so that's an improvement. He's actually a really nice guy, and I should have seen this at the beginning like Jace did, but I guess I'm scared that someone could take Jace from me, and I would be left alone, alone with my bad thoughts, like when I was a child.

Jace walked in, jolting me from my thoughts, with a towel around his waist loosely, and his hair roughly towel dried. He looked incredibly sexy. He sat down on the bed beside me and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist, as he moved closer to me. I kissed him back, deepening the kiss a little, whilst trailing my fingertips across his abs, causing him to shiver slightly under my touch.

"Baby.. we're gonna get nowhere if we continue this.." He whispered against my lips, looking into my eyes. I nodded and pulled away, but not before giving him another kiss on his soft lips.

"I'm gonna have a quick look at the job applications, whilst you get changed then." I explained to him, before getting up and leaving the room. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, grabbing the papers, and taking a quick look through them. There was several applications for working in shops such as; a supermarket, an office, a little corner shop, a café and an ice cream shop.

I quite fancied either working at the corner shop, the café or the ice cream shop, since they didn't look like boring jobs and the shifts looked quite reasonable too. I began to fill in one of the forms until I was interrupted by Jace, who plopped down beside me and kissed me.

"We can do this later baby, let's enjoy our night." He told me, taking the papers from my hand and resting them on the table beside the couch. I looked at him, checking him out.

He wore jeans, with a checkered shirt that was blue and 3/4 length, and some nice black converse. His hair was straight, since he'd just come out of the shower and it was naturally straight, and swayed in front of one of his eyes. He looked beautiful, and I know that's a very feminine word to use, but that's how he looked in my eyes. He blushed softly, noticing that I was looking at every detail of him, and bit his lip nervously.

"You look great baby." I said, before I kissed his lips softly.

"As do you." He told me against my lips.

We got up from the couch, just as we heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door, opening it, and there stood Kane, looking pretty nice actually. He smiled at us.

"Hey guys. You two are looking nice." He told us, and we smiled at his words.

"Thank you. You do too." Jace replied with, before running into the living room, grabbing a box of chewing gum, and handing me and Kane one. We took one each and smiled softly. "Let's go now." He said, before walking out, with me trailing behind him, shutting and locking the door.

We arrived at the party, via Kane's car, which meant that one of us was gonna have to stay sober, and I took that as my responsibility, as I wanted Jace to have fun tonight. We had to park on the next street as the street where he house was on, was packed with other cars. We walked over to the house, that I assumed was Mikes, and walked in.

The strong smell of alcohol was present, and there was piles upon piles of teenagers everywhere. Many were making out, in any place they could find, where as others were dancing in the living room, and others looked quiet lonely, like they didn't want to be here, but got forced to. Mike soon walked up to us, and I smiled, before shouting over the loud music that was beating loudly around the house.

"Hey guys! There's beers in the fridge, help yourself, and there's vodka too! Or go grab some cocktails from the kitchen! Join us in the backyard later, we'll be playing truth or dare!" He told us, and we nodded, before leaving Kane with Mike, as Jace and I walked to the kitchen to get drinks.

I grabbed a bottle of beer, and decided that this was all I wanted to drink for the entire night, because if I drank another one I might be over the limit to drive afterwards, so I let Jace have a great night. He grabbed some vodka, swigging it down, and then ran off, probably to dance.

It had been about an hour or so since we'd arrived, and for me, everything seemed to be going really slow. I was out in the garden, watching some drunk teenagers play truth or dare, which amused me for a little while, until I was interrupted by a drunk Kane.

"Hey Kane. What's up?" I said, sounding rather quite bored, as he stood in front of me seeming restless.

"Well I don't know how to put this any other way Isaac.." He began, starting to sound more sober by every word he spoke, which caused me to be more worried about what he was going to tell me.

"Just tell me. What is it Kane?" I asked, starting to get more and more annoyed as he began to stall.

"Well I saw Jace.. and he was.. uh kissing some guy.." He mumbled the last part, but I obviously heard what he said, feeling my blood begin to boil with those words.

"Where is he?! Where is Jace?!" I almost yelled at him.

"Well he's drunk out of his mind.. I think he's in the living room.." I grabbed Kane's wrist tightly, pulling him with me, since I had to drive him home, and stormed off to the living room. I got dirty looks from practically everyone I bumped into as I ran into the living room to find what Kane had said was true. Jace was kissing this other guys face off, whilst the guys hands roamed his chest and back, keeping him close.

I grabbed Jace, yanking him away from the other guy, and pulled him out the house along with Kane who just seemed to follow me anyway. I walked straight to the car, not a word was shared between us, as I unlocked the car, pushing them both into it. I really was not in the mood for this. He cheated on me. He fucking cheated.

I drove home, angrier than I'd ever been before, which seemed to scare both Kane and Jace. I walked to our apartment, said good night to Kane, then stormed into the bedroom, grabbed a pillow and blanket and threw myself onto the couch, sighing. I watched as Jace made his way to the bedroom, not saying a word, then slammed the door behind him.

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