Chapter 1

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I was sitting on my bed, my knees up to my chest, my back against the wall. I sighed, thinking about my life currently. I was a fucking mess.

My mum was abusive, my dad nonexistent. He ran away when I was 2, away from my mother, leaving her more of a mess. I don't remember any memories with him in it. All I can remember is the pain that he caused my brother. I remember my brother changing. I saw that in photos too. He went from being this happy kid to being depressed, I noticed it more than my mother did.

My mum was oblivious to anything and everything. She would drink her problems away, and then take the anger out on me and my brother. Particularly me though. Luke, that's my brother's name, was never really affected because my mum knew that he would fight back, and he was a hell of a fighter. He could knock just about anyone to the ground with just one punch to the face.

I remember one night when I was in my bedroom trying to go to sleep, when I heard yelling. It was my Mum and Luke. He'd come home a little too late and he'd got home just at the wrong time, and I heard her pinning him to the wall and she slapped his face several times before he plucked up some courage and he punched her back, she screamed and it started this fight. Luke obviously won, and my mum decided that she wasn't going to take her anger out on him, but her youngest son instead.

Yeah, that's me. I'm Jace. I'm currently nearly 16, my birthday in a couple of months. I'm 5"7, which I guess is reasonably small, and I have brown hair that reaches over my dark blue eyes. I haven't been to the hairdressers for years but somehow my hair seems to stay at the same length, which I'm actually quite glad about. I'm the kid that sits at the very back of the classroom, getting on with my school work, hoping to achieve A's in the majority of my classes.

I'm the kid that doesn't have a best friend, nor gets on well with the rest of the school, that dreads school every morning but only goes to get good grades. I'm the one that sits at a table on my own at lunch and gets food thrown at them, and bullied all the time, and all because of one little reason. That I'm gay.

I sat up from my bed and decided this was it. That was my time to escape from all this crap and finally grow a pair. I got up from my bed and grabbed some clothes, shoving them into my school bag. I got my essentials; clothes, underwear, tooth brush, anything I thought I would need really. I shoved it all into two bags and grabbed them throwing them over my shoulder.

I slowly tiptoed down the stairs, and peeked into the living room. My mum was fast asleep on the couch, she must have had too much to drink and passed out. I sighed in relief. I didn't want her to know what I was going to do. I quietly walked into the kitchen and grabbed some food, anything I could find that didn't need heating up or cooling down. I shoved it all in my bag and headed to the front door. I knew no one could stop me now, Luke was at his girlfriend's house, and my mum was fast asleep.

I opened the front door, shutting it quietly behind me careful of not to wake my mother up and then I ran.

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