Chapter 20

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*Jace's Point of View*

I don't think I've felt this bad in all my life. I didn't mean to do it, I just got a bit too drunk and ended up kissing this guy. I've never been drunk before, but I'm definitely a lightweight, and I get extremely horny, so thinking this guy was Isaac I attacked his face with kisses, which obviously was a huge mistake. I just didn't know what I was doing until it was too late, and Isaac was dragging me and Kane home.

I sat on the bed, my lower half covered by the blankets, contemplating what to do. I cheated, and apologizing over and over again, really wasn't going to help. I needed to get out of here, and go to a place where I could maybe think about things more clearly, and what I should do. I looked across at the other side of the bed, realizing that it looked and felt so empty without Isaac beside me. I needed him, and I couldn't bear to lose him for good.

I got up from my bed and suddenly began to feel really lightheaded. My head was killing me and I really needed to get some painkillers to sort this out. I went into the bathroom and stripped down, before turning on the water and taking a quick shower. It was so quick that I didn't think about anything other than what I needed to do to shower. I turned the water off, wrapped a towel around me and headed into the bedroom, hoping that I hadn't woke Isaac up, because I really was not ready to confront him yet about the mistakes that I had made last night.

 I got changed, trying to be as quiet as I possibly could, then grabbed some money, that I'd had in my bag, and then I opened the bedroom door, to see a sleeping Isaac on the couch. I was so tempted to cuddle up with him, but I resisted the urge to, and snuck out of the building, carrying a spare pair of keys with me. I wasn't running away, I just needed some alone time, to figure out things on my own.

I walked out the building, and decided to go to Starbucks to grab a coffee, since it would keep me awake more and might help me to think of a plan easier. I walked in, ordered myself a drink and then found a seat in the back of the room, where I would stay until I was able to confront Isaac, and show him how really sorry I was.

It had been around half an hour of sitting there, sipping the cold drink in front of me, staring at the door to see if Isaac would find me. I still wasn't any closer to coming up with a solution to the problem that I'd caused.

"Son?" I heard, but ignoring it I continued to sip my drink, looking down at the table. Suddenly, a man sat down opposite me, and I jumped slightly. I didn't want to look up, I knew for a fact that it wasn't Isaac, since this man seemed a lot bigger and a lot older. "Jace?" He whispered, shock evident in his voice. I looked up, a natural instinct when someone said my name, because it was such an uncommon name, and there he sat, the person I least expected to be there... My father.

 "D-dad?" I stuttered, not knowing what to say to the man who'd left me as a toddler. I had so many question, like how did he find me? What did he want? Did he know the pain he caused our family when he left? Was he going to help me or just hurt me like she did?  What was he going to say about me being gay? Questions exploded in my brain, that my head began hurting so much more than it had been earlier. I rubbed my temples, focusing back onto my father.

"How've you been, son?" He asked me, seeming very casual towards me. He was asking how I was doing? Shouldn't he be explaining to me as to why after 15 years he suddenly decides to show up?

"I've been doing good.." I truthfully told him. I had been doing good, since last night that was, but he didn't need to know about that. "How have you been, Dad?" I asked, slowly taking a sip of the drink in front of me, which caused me to pull a face from it being cold. My father noticed.

"Do you want me to buy you another drink? Your drink seems to have gone cold by the look on your face." He said, watching me. I nodded slightly, even though I didn't really want a drink to be bought for me, but the taste of cold coffee was not something pleasant. He got up, leaving me at the table on my own. I looked at my father, the man I hadn't seen in 15 years. I'd seen one picture when I was younger, but I couldn't really remember it clearly.

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