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A type of fairy bound to a particular landform or location. They are said to be found in mountainous areas, by springs or rivers and in caves or grottos. They look like young, beautiful, gentile girls that live very long lives. They can only die when the natural object they are attached to dies (a tree). They can also sometimes be forces of nature that are neither good or bad. As Nymphs are female they are born by nature itself and it isn't necessary that they procreate with other species. Their physical appearance resembles the element or thing they are associated with and their weaknesses depend on their type.

Different types of nymphs:
-Water Nymphs = They are attuned to the water element that live in the water. They dislike mermaids and sirens due to their flirty nature. They can control the flow of water and can see the future in their pools of water. They can die from a broken heart and when they do they become sea foam and this can happen when they fall in love with a human who breaks their heart. Ocean Nymphs stay in the oceans but can come on land, while River Nymphs stay in the river and cannot come on land.
-Wood Nymphs = They are connected to plant life and are spiritual. They are always found in forests and they interact with elves and humans a lot. They protect the forests and occasionally sacrifice themselves in order to save it. They are born whenever a tree or other plant grows. They have the ability to grow and extend the forests they live in and the plant life in it.
-Air Nymphs = They are attuned to the air element and so live in the sky manipulating the weather. They can be found anywhere, if there is a breeze of storm. They don't stay in one place for too long and avoid human contact. They are immortal as they are born from a gust of wind or breeze but can die if the air becomes polluted.
-Wind Nymphs = A type of air nymph that have pale skin. They refrain from mortal contact and observe everyday life. They go where the wind takes them and have incredible singing voices that rival both mermaids and sirens. They have the ability to control the wind.
-Storm Nymphs = A type of air nymph that have grey skin. They travel with storm clouds and can conjure up storms on their own. They usually live over the ocean where storm clouds form. If someone walks through them, they will strike them with lightening.
-Earth Nymphs = They are attuned to the earth element and they have dark skin tones. They can turn into stone to look like statues and can be awakened by intruders. Nymphs prefer to live underground and prefer to be with dwarves or gnomes. They can form earth into anything they want which can cause earthquakes as they do this.
-Mountain Nymphs = They are similar to Earth Nymphs but they live on mountains and in isolation. They are also a lot taller and help lost travellers in what they think is a dream.
-Ice Nymphs = A type of Water Nymph that live in wastelands of ice or in frozen pools of water. They are beautiful but exist to punish mortals as they lure them to an icy death. They are not flirtatious and are cold to others and are relatively isolated. They can control ice and are born after a blizzard.
-Fire Nymphs = They are attuned to the fire element and can control and create their own fire. They are very elusive and it's rare to find them. They are born when a bolt of lightening strikes something and it catches fire.
-Light Nymphs = They don't control light but manipulate light that is there.no one knows how they are born or how they die but the appear in sun rays. Little is known about them.

Thank you @Phoebe3773 for you suggestion.

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