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Ghosts are the souls of deceased humans that do not got to heaven or hell and are stuck on earth. What they are stuck on earth for depends on the ghost and the type of ghost. If a ghosts unfinished business is resolved then they can be taken to their afterlife. Nearly all ghosts look like themselves before the died and when they are seen their form flickers and is never still.

Types of Ghosts:
-Violent Spirits = spirits that are dangerous and are created by cruelty in their life. They are usually ghosts of evil people or cruel people have brought pain to others.
-Poltergeists = spirits that seek attention through violent or deadly actions. Human ghosts can become poltergeists and human ghosts are also capable of overwhelming a poltergeist and destroying the poltergeist. Poltergeists are mainly attracted to areas of great evil.
-Vengeful Spirits = a spirit who has had something wrong done to them which causes them to remain after death to try and avenge their death. In avenging their death they can attack the person that caused them to die or attacking other people that act out the same wrong actions as they experienced in life.
-Specter = a ghost that possess the living in order to act out a grudge they hold on something or someone no matter how small or odd. They are usually created when a persons death involves a betrayal.
-Common Ghosts = a spirit that is left on earth either by choice (not going to heaven or hell with a reaper) or they have unfinished business to attend to before they go to the afterlife.

-electromagnetic interference
-super speed
-environmental manipulation
-possession (rare)
-super strength
-material attachment
-mental influence on humans
-flight (hovering)
-voice mimicry

-salt (they cannot cross a line of salt)
-iron (causes them to disappear for a while)
-salt and burn the ghosts body or the item it is attached to.
-resolving the ghosts issues
-two ghosts fighting can destroy both
-reapers can take them to the afterlife.

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