Chapter 27: First night with Luna

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I wake up to Luna crying in my arms, I must have dosed off. "shhhhtttt sshhhhtt" I shush Luna gently and look down to her. "She okay?" Dan says sitting up. "Yeah, I think shes hungry" I say."Pass her here" he puts his arms out and I hand him Luna, still crying. Dan holds her close and kisses her forehead. "I still can't believe it happened" Dan says quietly. "We always wanted a family together and we have one" Dan smiles at me. "Misses, You need to get your sleep" Dan says kissing me on the cheek. "You really think ill get any with this lil thing?" I say taking back Luna from Dan. "Well I could stay up with her for a bit" Dan lies on his side facing me. "Really?"

"You have birth about 5 hours ago, you need it more than i do" Dan takes Luna and climbs out of bed. "C'mon get some sleep" Dan says stood there in his boxers. "Alright underpant man" He goes a little red, I laugh quietly. Dan closes the door and i lay my head back down.

**** Author Note ****

Heyyo! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry its a little short but i writing the next one right now.

Thanks for the support!!


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