kim taehyung

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Kim taehyung a friend of jimin and he is one that leads the police force. Taehyung was happy to live with jimin and he had a great time but everything change. But he doesn't like to talk about it but that's a different story. Taehyung always gets good grades and he moved out of his house when he was 15 years old and he had a job so he had money. Then jimin came in and he let him in and he loves jimins company and that's what friends do right. So taehyung doesn't let jimin lay for anything because he knows that jimin didn't have a job and he doesn't want him to suffer from money but then he got a job and he couldn't say no to him so he let him help him with everything. But taehyung didn't know that jimin got a job with the most famous clown and he will be his doctor and he found out in that day.

Kim taehyung had a different life from jimin... He never got abused or that his mother never showed him love. It was the other way around... His father was nice to him and he always plays with him and takes him everywhere and his mother gives him huggs, kisses, and even plays with him. Taehyung never complain about his life... He was around and happy with his life.

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