the joker

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Today is the day that jimin will see the clown. He knows his name and that will be nice to know so he'll not call him joker. And like taehyung promised he had every guard everywhere and watching him. Jimin didn't like it bit but taehyung is protecting him and he likes it and he could still remember what happened yesterday. "I'm here to see min yoongi... Well the joker." Jimin said and the guard nodded his head and then he talk through is wakytaky and then he showed where the joker will be. "Scream or run if you nerd help." He said and jimin nodded his head but jimin will not be needing that because he can take it. The guard opened the door and setting there was the green head min yoongi. "Dr. Park how nice to meet you I have heard lots about you." He said and jimin kept his cool and he is trying not to run or do anything stupid. Jimin took a set and then he took out he's notebook and pencil. "Okay, min yoongi I will be asking you some questions and you will answer me and I want the truth and lies." Jimin said and yoongi smiled and then he nodded his head.

"How long have you been in here?" Jimin asked him and then he started to think and then he smiled. "About 4 years. During this 4 years... Do you want to know a secret." He told jimin and jimin nodded his head and then he started to smile. "Come closer, I won't bite... Well if you want me to." He said and jimin rolled his eyes and then he come closer to him. Jimin was not afraid because yoongi couldn't do anything to him because he had a harnest on him. "I was thinking about... Batman and how I will kill him." He told jimin and jimin looked at him and then he went back down to his set and started to write it down. "How much people have you killed or brain wash them to work with you?" Jimin said and yoongi started to laugh and jimin looked outside and the guards were looking at them and the jimin turned to yoongi. "I have killed so many people that I lost count of how much and I have brain wash people to work for me but then I killed them because they want what's mine." He told jimin with a smirked and jimin started to write down and he only has a little bit of time. "Do you have any questions?" He asked him and with a smile on his face he nodded his head. "Dr. Park, who is taehyung better yet what is taehyung to you?" He asked jimin and jimin looked at him. Yoongi knows that taehyung works for the police and he helped Batman to bring here but why is he asking what is taehyung to me. "He is my friend since childhood. He was there for me when nobody was. But are you asking this." I told him and he nodded his head and then he gave a smirked and jimin just by looking at him... He was starting to fall for him. Jimin got up and then he started to walk towards the door because the time is up. "Remember dr. Park, I don't like it when people take or touch what's mine." He said and then jimin left and he could hear yoongi laughing.

Jimin got out of there and taehyung was waiting for me outside and then I smiled and walk towards the car. "How long have you been waiting here?" Jimin asked and tae smiled. "Not long." He told jimin and jimin got in the car and then taehyung leand and then he kissed jimin and jimin started to kiss back. "Let's go. I want to go home." Jimin said and tae smiled and then he started the car and went on home. "How was your first day." Tae told him and jimin smiled and then shrugged his shoulders. "Fine." Jimin told him and taehyung smiled and then when they got home tae opened the door for him and then he carried jimin all the way in the house and laied him on the couch. "He didn't hurt or touch you did he?" Tae asked and jimin shooked his head. Tae lend over to jimins face and then he started to kiss him and jimin kissed back.

Jimin loves how tae kisses him but he also loves the way the yoongi makes him feel. He can't do this to them and he couldn't do this to tae. What should he do be with taehyung and go with yoongi?
Which one should he pick yoongi or taehyung leave your answer on the comment and please don't forget to vote on this story or on my other stories


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