CHAPTER 26: Did It Hurt

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                               Before their unbelieving gazes, Kelvin knelt before Edda as she knelt in pain, digging her nails deeper into the earth with every wave of pain. He placed his arm on the good side of her face and ran his fingers along the side of her face till her eyes slid open slightly, the first thing she saw was his bare torso, his bare chest was the first thing she saw, the shape of the jaw, the golden brown hair tucked behind his ears, then her heart leapt when her eyes incident on his. She whispered his name with a stammer and her eyes widened "how" . He responded with a smile and a nod " what matters is that I'm here, your highness"  he teased

"Kelvin, I'm so sorry, i really am"  she began weakly,  grabbing his arm for support.
"its alright " he responded
" no, you wont understand, I'm really sorry, i mean it" she insisted
  " its okay"  he whispered in response   "did they do this to you " he said taking her hand in his,
she only nodded weakly in response.
"alright we need to get you outta here,  I'll be back" he said standing to join the others. The smiles on their faces were radiant as they looked at him, "form a perimeter while the girls help Edda, to the mountains, lets go" he urged, with a resounding motivation about his voice, they nodded their approval,  and drew their weapons with their renewed strength.

                             The guards,  noticing that they had broken free and began to charge towards  them in large numbers, Kelvin immediately stepped forward and drew his sword from his back. He called Rava to his side and they both stood as the resistance to buy the others time to move.
Kelvin cut them easily like practice dummies, while Rava struggled to catch up.
More of the natives poured out into the open,  surrounding them on all sides but their back.
"what's the plan Kelvin " Rava asked backing him
" I'm thinking about it" he replied
"well think faster" he urged

Rava paused as he felt a huge wave push of the sea breeze blow past them, and so did Kelvin,  they each inquired of the other, and realized that they both felt it. It could only mean one thing. They heard a savage cry from above that sounded like  a "klook!"
"eagle? "   they chorused, as their eyes and the guard's  jammed the Eagle too.
Rava looked around the tip of the hills,  and came to a halt then his eyes landed on a familiar purple color on one of them.

Ava stood atop a hill with enough distance between herself and the village before she began conjuring. She was entering the final stage When Rava saw her,  the clouds were darkening above the village, and the animals she had manipulated were already retiring back into the woods.
She stood with her eyes totally whitened and veins over her face, up to the skies, as they rumbled with thunder, arms drawn back wards. she moved her elbows foward in a push, and a huge wave over 15 feet in height came from the sea and burst out from the woods into the village.

Rava gasped at the sight and  froze. The natives scrambled to find solace anywhere as fast as they could. Kelvin pulled Rava by the colar and dragged him over to the hill where the others took Edda. Rava struggled to catch up until Kelvin stopped somewhere on the hill. He noticed that they somehow hadn't been able to reach the top and we're resting. He let go of Rava and put Edda on his back, then hurried off to the top of the hill.

Luckily,  they had made it past base of the hill before the water reached them, so they comfortably climbed the rest all the way up, occasionally seeing how far the water had submerged the village, which it did to a devastating effect, washing everything into a steep path that connected with a powerful river. They arrived the top, to see Kelvin tending to Edda's wounds, and they stood still and watched, having nothing else to do.

He was bent over  her cupping her face in his hand. It was the first time he actually ever felt sorry for her, her eyes fluttered open again and she gave him a warm smile. "I'm okay Kelvin"  she whispered.
"you don't look like it"  he protested tilting her head to reveal it's swollen side. He set her down to take rest. He had barely gotten up before the other two girls ran into him, hugging him tightly. He tried to break away, but they held on tightly, so he waited for them to let go themselves. Although Kira let go,  Mia still remained glued to him, till the others began to cough.

Incubus I (UNDER EDITING)!!! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें