Chapter 11: Marauders ✅

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On the morning of the next day Gaitan and Levi woke the others, as they had kept the last watch of the night. Levi called out the squad after scanning through the map.
"We should have Blackheath in our sights by eventide " he said rolling up the map
" Well take the mountain pass till we're onto the city walls "
" Why not the usual routes " Edda asked confused by the sudden change of direction
" The road from the intersection just up ahead is used mostly by merchants, and consequently bandit activity" Levi said turning to her at his side " but they could be lurking in the mountain passes too" she argued turning to the others, few of which nodded in agreement.
" we're better off encountering them in the woods than walking into their traps on that vast road" Kelvin said from behind them. "The road would open us to them from all angles, but from above, we can observe most of the terrain, so he has a point"
They exchanged glances as they thought on those words and seemed to agree without opening their mouths to say it. Levi only nodded at Kelvin and made for his ride, prompting the others to do the same.

At noon they made it to the mountains pass, and began riding to higher ground.
"Everything in these woods would see us if we go up Levi" Edda indicated.
"I know that Edda he said riding forward"
" Look sharp every one" he said riding even faster and they followed gathering their pace too, the path took them off the woods to the edge of the vast road they had been speaking about, and it was clear as far as the eyes could see.
Edda turned to the others at this sight. She stopped and looked down their path an noticed it seemed to be the long way around. Both their path and the road curved around a large mass of tress, spanning over a thousand square meters, but it was too late to do anything, they had to follow that path to the very end.

They were riding through a rocky path at mid afternoon, somewhere along the hill side that bordered the road, when loud screams pierced the air. Levi pulled the squad to a halt, and looked at them first to be sure he wasn't hearing things. And noticed a few of them too tilting their ears in the direction he had heard the sound.

He descended off his horse and traced the sound to a side of the mountain towards the road. He hid behind a large boulder immediately he got there. He called the squad over to himself, and they alighted from their horses and came over to the boulder, they all leaned over the rock to observe all that was going on at the foot of the hill.

Below the hill, a trade group was being attacked by a gang of bandits. Killing most of their guards, setting their wagons on fire and moving their wares. The entire squad Looked to Levi for orders. But he kept studying what was going on for a while, then turned to them. "its advisable for us to leave without being spotted as soon as possible." he declared.

"no, we can't do that" Kelvin protested wearing surprised to say the least.

Levi scowled at him for a bit then said. "Yes we can, do you see those flags, that's a Blackheath trade group. We'll do well to not be spotted by them, and besides judging by the numbers of these bandits, it was a cooperation of most of their factions, no wonder we haven't stumbled on any so far. We should use this to our advantage and leave the pass as soon as we can"

"Captain... " Kelvin started. "these people are in desperate need of help and we're in the best position to help right now." Mia and kira nodded in agreement.

"Their kings army is their best hope now Kelvin" Levi replied. "And fortunately they don't patrol this road as often as they should.

"The Capt'n" has a point Marcus said... Most of these bandits are from all over this place leaving the rest of the roads free until the city, we should move.

Edda who had been quiet a long time noticed a bandit draw a child from the arms of the mother and bashed his head against the wheel of a cart and this burned her, forcing her to turn her face away in disgust. When she returned her gaze the welp was lying lifeless at the foot of the wheel, the mother screaming and rolling over in the dirt.

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