Chapter 13: we can't stay ✅

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The merchants halted at Balfour's command, a few hundred metres from the gates, he met with Kelvin and Levi again. He didn't have to inform them how difficult staying undercover in the city would be, so he told them to go around the city walls to a tavern in the port behind the city to rest and wait for him. They eagerly accepted the suggestion and separated from them. Riding off around the wall in the moonlight.

They avoided scout groups and camps, sometimes dispersing into villages to loose them, but made it to the port before midnight. The sea breeze blew off their hoods as they entered the port, littered with dozens of ships on and off the coast line. They eventually Slowed down as they entered a street, interlocked with stones, that led to the small city of the port. The streets weren't as empty as they'd hoped but the numbers of people and sailors still loitering about was barely more than a handful, and most were either drunk hastening to their beds.

They moved into the city silently, through dimly lit streets, looking for a tavern, but didn't find any. They stumbled upon a street that led straight to the wharf. Levi halted them for a bit, he considered going over to find a captain that could take them across the sea that night.

“I think it might be that way." Ava's words interrupted his thoughts.

He turned to see her pointing into a dark Street that seemed to lead nowhere but into deeper darkness. Nobody seemed to be in the mood to argue with her, and no one moved an inch. Levi out of mere curiosity volunteered to ask the question every one seemed too tired and weak to ask.
“and how do you know this?"

“I just guessed. " she stated blankly.

“so you want me to base my decision, on a guess?"

“That's not what i meant."

“then what did you mean." he inquired coldly.

“look man, let's just do as she said." Rava cut him off “we've been here long enough to make even the blind know we're strangers."

“she could be right." Edda supported.

Levi turned to kelvin, as if expecting him to object. But he remained awkwardly stiff, staring into the wharf ahead.
“If there's a time to move I think its now." Marcus advised pointing at a patrol team heading in their direction. Ava turned her horse in the direction of the street and began to move away Edda followed and so did the others forcing the captain to reluctantly follow.

There seemed to be an odd confidence about her as she led the way, it was almost as if she knew where she was going.

“you've been here before? " Edda asked in a light whisper.

“no my lady."

“but you are moving like you know where you're going." she whispered again.

“we have to keep moving so the patrol don't catch up right?"

“Right." Edda answered, in a tone that seemed to signal the end of the conversation.

They began to slow down as the sounds of chattering of drunken men, reached them, someway some how they seemed to have stumbled upon it. They got off their horses and followed the sounds until they came to an old house, and began fastening the reins of their horses out side, when Ava walked up to the door to knock but Leo caught her by the hand and whispered. “i doubt that's a really good idea right now there's no better way for our identity to be discovered than in there, its best we wait till they are all gone." He concluded letting go of her hand.

They took hiding positions around the tavern and watched till the number of voices reduced and a very few number of people left, before going in.

Every one left in the tavern watched as all thirteen of them walked in, taking seats at different desks. Mostly four at a table. Gaitan, Marcus, Leo and Carina sat at one Levi, Edda, vulcan, Ivan another, Rava Mia Ava and Kira sat together, only kelvin sat on separate table. He reached into his bag to grab some coins, but came in contact with the brown covered book again. He brought it out and examined it again, it had no writings whatsoever on the surface. He flipped the old cover over, to reveal the first page but it had nothing written on it. His eyes widened as he flipped page over.

Incubus I (UNDER EDITING)!!! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz