♕flirty!Emperor X fem!Reader♕

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"{Y/N} is my name. It's a pleasure to fight by your side" I beamed with inner joy and will fully enjoy this last special game, even though I was very tired. I mean, except on the battlefield, I was nowhere around and of course my wish has to be fulfilled at the very last moment. But hey, at least now than never. 

The Emperor raised one of his eyebrows and stared at the boys, who gave meanwhile up. "Me actually too, BUT I have to disappoint you, because I seem to be playing against you" he chuckled, looking at the screen in the waiting room, where the two teams were randomly placed. In fact ... even though I wanted him to fool me, it occurred to me that the King would never lie. We were against each other and that will go harsh for me for sure. Oh, by the way, the other guys were very jealous that the Champion only talked to me so far, but apparently only because I was the only girl. Unfortunately, this wasn't possible after the teleportation and thus I was quiet again. 

//Oh jeez, that will be my downfall // I thought softly and the stage where I'm going to see the King was the Wahoo World, the amusement park, which is based on a carneval. The three guys and I who had strong weapons in my opinion, had purple ink color, while the opposing team with the Emperor had yellow, which suited to him perfectly. 

//Well then ... let's bring it behind us// I huffed, and as the GO was shouted through the stage, I started running and tried to think like it was a normal turf war, as usual. Unfortunately that was more difficult than expected and as I saw the first yellow stains, I had to think straight to him. I ran along the side and colored as much as possible while my teammates took over the center. As soon as I was on the other side of the stage, I could see the champion in a raised position, standing against the wind, which was fluttering his Emperor outfit slightly into the air. He took his dualies, turned them a few times in his hand, and grinned down at me. "Now let me show you what it feels like to fight against the Champ" he said seriously with a wink, jumping down and now we were just a few inches apart. I just grumbled and took this as a challange plus my first enemy at this war.

We stood there for a long moment, forgetting everything. The teammates of mine were walking seperated from eachother and yelled at me, that I should finally splat him while the opposing team was rather calm and didn't dare to shout at the King what I could understand. I mean ... I would never have had the courage for that. Anyway, I didn't want to waste any time and he didn't want to lose any time either. 

He ran up to me and started to roll with his dualies skills while doing no harm to me. I tried to dodge and got slowly used to this rolling around. "Wow, you're good at dodging ma dear~" he said quietly and I had to blush just because this compliment came seriously from the Champ himself. "Eh? ... I'm just trying to concentrate" I answered shamefully, sometimes staring into his face, what I regreted just as I looked away again. // Damn it, why does he looks so cute?// I asked myself, feeling the first beads of sweat, which were slowly rolling down my skin. The nervousness was here and had to go away quickly. Yes, I had to go now ... otherwise I'll explode or something like that ... 

//Oh no ... I have to get out of here// I kept thinking, but still played with him as he rolled around and just didn't want to splat me because that was apparently his goal. "Are ya okay? Are you afraid of me, my dear?" he asked in a sweet tone and stopped rolling. Then he was standing quiet and I still didn't understand, why he kept calling me 'my dear'. Welp, actually I didn't care, but it was weird though. 

"The King is good everywhere ... no matter in which category" he claimed, rolling his dualies a few times in his hands ... again. He actually thought that I was scared of him, but in reality I was more flattered by his appearance, which was just perfect. I already knew that he looked good, but that his beauty could be so perfect. I honestly didn't expect that. 

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