This was supposed to be a happy marriage...
My husband is my dream man,still I am not happy with him...

I wiped the tear that trickled down my cheeks and took a deep breath..

Be strong Ananya...
Yes this is not the marriage you expected, but you can't just run away from this...
Yes miracles happen, who knows Aayan will change one day....

I sighed and combed my hair, also adjusted my dress, I have to give a good impression today, if my boss is impressed who knows he may offer me a partnership in his firm one day, enough working as an intern, I want to be an independent lawyer soon....

I walk towards the room door, tried to pull it by turning it's knob, and at the same time even Aayan pushed the door from outside...

I was surprised by his sudden appearance in front of me, hence I gasped moving back, but I lost my balance, closing my eyes tightly I was ready to hit the ground...

But I was caught mid air, by a strong arm, which slid around my waist and I open my eyes, to meet hazel eyes who were staring at me...

I try to control my rapid heartbeat, as his touch creates havoc in my body which I absolutely hate, he pushed the hair strand behind my ears and quietly helped me to stand, and I adjusted my dress....

He left me, but was still watching me intently, more like scanning me from top to bottom, I became self conscious, even his gaze was affecting me, I cursed myself internally and tried to go outside, but he blocked my path

'What...?' I ask, but he didn't answer, just continued to stare me

'Let me go... ' I say irritated, and he clears my way, still not taking his eyes off me and I quickly get out of the room sighing heavily

This man confuses me like anything

I walked inside Amayraa's room and she gave me a toothy grin

'Annieyyy... Morning.... Wakey.... ' she chirped and I kissed her cheeks

'Yes Baby, Good morning... Come on let's get ready, it's our first day at play school... ' I said picking her up

'Scool...? Annieeyyy.... no scool....' she pouted

'We have to go to school baby, if not then how will you make new friends...?' I ask her and she looks at me with her big black eyes

'Friens...?' She asked cutely


'Yes...! A cute little girl or a boy like you, who will play with you, you will get new toys, tasty food and have a lot of fun... ' I say excitedly

'Yayyy.... Scool....' Amayraa cheered and then I take her to the bathroom and bathe her

Amayraa is not a fussy kid, she loves Bathing, so she didn't trouble me at all, after bath, I dressed her in a cute little pink shorts and minnie mouse t shirt and then combed her hair

I was about to tie her hair into a ponytail when she held my hands

'Naa... I want hair like you anieeyy....' she pointed at my hair which were open, and I kissed her cheeks and then comb her hair, leaving them open, with just a baby clip to prevent her hair to fall on her eyes

I turn her around and kiss her chubby cheeks...
'Isn't my Amayraa the most beautiful girl in this world... ' I pinch her nose and then carry her in my arms

She helps me to forget all my sorrows and restrained relation with Aayan, she indeed is a bundle of joy for both of us...

We reach the dining table where Aayan and Mrs. Kumar are talking about something, They look at us and smile, sensing our presence

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