Chapter 16: Date (Vert)

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Y/N's P.O.V (L/N Residence)

Y/N: So, let me get this straight...

I was in the living room with all the girls accept for Rom, Ram and Luna who went to play at the playroom. I can't believe these girls decided on such a thing without my consent.

Y/N: I have to go on a date with Vert and Nepgear because they won first place on Sports Day...

Vert: Yes.

Y/N: And you decided this behind my back...

Vert: That's correct as well.

Y/N: <sigh> Why are you so calm about this?

Vert: Ehehe~ You don't really have to make it perfect. All I wish for is to spend a day with you alone.

Y/N: You could have just asked me...

I'm slightly disappointed at them. I don't mind going out on a date with the girls but to do it out of the blue, even I need to prepare myself.

Nepgear: So are you going to decline?

I felt a tone of disappointment from Nepgear. Was she actually looking forward to this? Vert also looked disappointed while the rest kept a straight face.

Y/N: Well, you did work hard so I could at least reward you two with this.

The both of their expressions brightened up. Seeing them smile is pretty much worth all the trouble. It's definitely a feeling I've been developing. But I've also noticed the pouts I got from the other four.

Y/N: (This might be bad...) A-Are we going to go together or separately?

Vert: Separately. Nepgear said I should go first which I gladly accepted.

Y/N: Oh, alright. Then, what day shall we have it?

Vert: Today.

Y/N: Sounds- Wait, today?!

Vert took me by the wrist and dragged me away from my house. Today is just full of surprises...

Nepgear's P.O.V

Vert really looked excited about going on a date with Y/N. Although I still feel a little bit guilty for keeping it a secret from him. The rest of our sisters planned on stalking the both of them during their date like what we did with Blanc's.

Nepgear: (Date...)

Just the thought of it burns my face. It's not because I don't like Y/N, it's just... I feel like I'm not cut out for him.

Neptune: Oii, Nep Jr! What are you doing gawking there? Hurry and come here before we lose track of them!

Nepgear: You all go ahead. I want to stay here for awhile.

Neptune: Well, alrighty then!

Onee-chan and the rest went to stalk Y/N and Vert after closing the door. I stood up from the couch and started fiddling with my N-Gear.

Y/N's P.O.V (Park)

After being pulled away for at least 15 minutes, we finally took a stop at a the same stall where I bought crepe. Vert may not look like it but she's very strong. She was panting taking in as much air as possible. But I wonder why she had to run at full speed like that.

Vert: <pant> Did I <pant> manage to lose them..?

Y/N: Lose who?

Vert: N-Nobody!

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