Chapter 6: Help...

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(Your House)

A week has passed since school closed. A lot of things happened that's for sure. Fighting monsters, my parents came to my house, going bankrupt and even getting closer to Uni. My parents headed back to work, school reopened and spring is also coming to a close. That means two things. School is going to close again for the summer holidays but before it closes, there's exam. It starts at the very day school reopened. Those who fails the exam will have their holiday replaced with extra classes.

I was slightly worried about myself but mostly to the girls. They just came in and are forced to take the examination. I couldn't focus 100% on the papers because of them.

Today, we just finished the math test. Walking back home while talking about the test we just did.

Neptune: Why do I have to go through such a trial?

Blanc: We don't have a choice. It's this world's system so we have to abide by it.

Ram: It was quite hard. Why did they make such hard questions?

Rom: Uh-huh...

Noire: It's hard because you haven't studied at all.

I just listened to the complaints of the girls. Well, exclude Noire. Before I took the lift, I headed for the mailbox to check for any new mails. There was two but I wished they never came.

Y/N: (Oh crap...)

It was my water and electric bill. The water was still managable but the electric was high. I lived alone so this had never been a real problem. It also came in the worst possible timing. I'm still broke and my points would not be enough to compensate it. I hid it in my pockets when I heard Ram calling for me. I entered the elevator with a drop of sweat coming down my face.

Vert: Are you okay Y/N?

Y/N: Yep. I'm fine...

Nepgear: You don't look fine.

Y/N: I don't? Maybe it's because of the test.

The elevator reached the 5th floor where my house is located. I exited the elevator and headed for my house.

Noire: Eh? What's this?

I looked behind and saw Noire holding what looks like the bill. Surprised, I took out the bills out off my pocket but only the water bill was in there.

Noire: This is...

I just stayed silent and waited for her reaction.

Noire: Is this your bill?

She took a look at it and from her expression, she was shocked.

Noire: Y/N... This amount is quite high.

Y/N: Yeah...

Noire: Do you have enough money for it?

I didn't want to lie so I kept quiet. The girls looked at me worried.

Nepgear: How do we solve this?

Vert: May we take a look at the bill?

Noire showed it to the rest. Even they looked surprised.

Y/N: Let's take a shower first. After that, I'll think of a way to solve this problem.

They all agreed. We headed back home with a worried air.


Before going to bed, I need to think about this newfound problem. Monster hunting will take ages just to pay the electric bill let alone the water.

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