Chapter 3: Enemies

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Teacher: Alright, make sure to read up what I have thought you.

The teacher exited and every male rushed to my table. F/N slammed his hand on my table.

F/N: Y/N... What is the meaning of this?! You said you're not interested in girls! Wait... Is it because they're your girlfriends? Ah! This is too cruel!

Y/N: I haven't said anything yet...

They kept on babbling about how selfish I was because I had 4 girlfriends. But really it was only one of them. I couldn't even focus in class because of the glaring jabs I got the whole day.

Noire: Do you think we overdid it?

Blanc: I think we did fine.

Neptune: But Y/N looks like he's being assaulted.

Vert: Maybe we should help him.

As I get bombarded with questions. The doors of the classroom opened with a bang. Everyone looked at who it was. Some of them shivered at who they saw. I couldn't see because of the crowd.

???: I heard some new students got transferred into this school.

But I know that voice very well. One of the most feared and popular student in this school. Seth Kaiser. He's one of the worst people you could meet in this world. Seth has been a bitch for me.

Seth: You! Tell me who is the new students.

He pointed at one of my classmates and all he could do was stutter an answer.

Y/N: Neptune, Noire, Vert, Blanc. Let's go get lunch.

I got up and called the four. They followed me but Seth's goons stopped me.

Seth: Hey, where do you think you're going L/N-kun? Especially bringing some beauty with you.

Y/N: Leave us alone.

He walked at me. He's in short, a delinquent. But no teachers dare to face him.

Seth: Have you forgotten where you stand, L/N-kun? But obviously a low dog like you wouldn't remember so let me refresh that head of yours.

He threw a punch at me on the head. Seth snapped his fingers and two of his goons locked my arms behind me while the other pulled my hair.

Noire: What are you doing?!

He didn't listened and punched me like some sort of punching bag. I would have fainted if it wasn't for the inhumane stats I have. But the pain was like Grandvill's punch.

Seth: I'm just reminding him where he belongs. Besides, this is what we do as friends right, L/N-kun?

Y/N: ...

My head had blood flowing down my face.

Blanc: Why you!

Seth: Are you girls by any chance the new students? If so, want to join my harem?

Noire: Huh?! You have got to be dreaming!

Neptune: Yeah! You beated Y/N up and you asked us out. You're definitely a massive sicko!

Seth: So you're friends with this dog? Ahahahaha! I can't believe you got these girls as your friends!

Girl 1: Let's go Kaiser. You don't need this girls!

Girls 2: Yeah you have us. We'll pleasure you right now if you want.

Two girls just seduced Seth and he seems to enjoy it. Seth is a massive playboy. He'll just pick a girl up and then when he's done, he will just throw them away. I believe as of now he has over a hundred girls wanting to serve him. And it keeps on growing by the day. He snapped his fingers again and his goons released me. Vert and Noire caught me from falling.

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