He's her mate, so why did he break her heart? part four

Start from the beginning

"Okay, we'll be in in a moment."

That's what I love about Sid. He doesn't make me do things that I might mot want to do.

Illianna's point of view

I stood on the steps of my new school, and stared in shock.

It looked just like the institute that I was forced into all those years ago.

Perhaps I should tell you a bit about myself.

I'm Illianna, i am the same age as the rest of the kids here but I have one thing they don't.


I know that all the things in the stories about werewolves and vampires are true.

How do I know this you ask. Because they killed my family.

When I was just nine years old my life was ripped from me by terrifyingly beautiful creature of the night.

I lost everything when those things came.

I only survived because of two brave teenagers whose names I don't know.

Their faces, however, I will never forget.

I don't remember them exactly but I know they were the ones that saved me. That they were the ones to risk their own lives in order to save me. And I know in my heart that I will recognise them if I ever see them again.

They left as soon as the police arrived.

And that's where things got a lot worse for me.

I was taken to the station to answer some questions, but when I told them what happened they put me into a metal institute saying I had post tramatic stress disorder or something like that.

I have been out for a year now and I have already started my training.

For what, you ask.

Well for keeping other kids from going through what I did. By hunting them all down and killing them.

I was put into a foster home and now am being enrolled in this school.

It's the afternoon and school is almost over.

So I take a deep breath and enter the empty hallways.

As I start to head towards the office a feeble balding man with bad teeth and even worse breath grabs my arm and drags me towards the office saying, "Think you could get past me, huh? Well it's straight to the principal for you young lady. You're gonna get suspended for this if I get me way..."

He continued babbling but I didn't pay attention as I tried not to punch him in the face.

As he dragged me into the office, he had a gleeful look on his face.

"Ah, principle Black, I have this..."

"What the hell are you doing with our new student Mr. Fiddly?" a very good looking middle aged man yelled.

Mr. Fiddly stammered, trying to find the words to explain what he was doing.

The principle walked over and ripped his hand off of my arm.

"I am so sorry Miss Duffy. He clearly has lost his mind. Why don't you come with me and I'll get you situated."

He started to walk over towards a door that I guessed was his office.

Suddenly, I had a very odd feeling.

It was like I was almost whole, and that if I turned around I would find something or someone very special. But when I looked around the small office I didn't see anything or anyone that would make me feel like that.

For some reason I felt lost, just like I did when I lost my parents and those teenage boys had left.

After a few moments the feeling went away and I was over whelmed by greif.

I couldn't explain it, but I knew that I would do anything to find that feeling again.

Then I walked into the principles office to get everything sorted.

A little while later I was on my way home.

It has been quite a while since I felt that I had a home to go to. And I still don't, I doubt that I will ever really feel that way again, although when I think back to when I had that odd feeling earlier, I could almost think that if I could find the thing that made me feel like that then I might still have a chance.

well what did you think?

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