Hey There

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Hey everyone. Its been a while hasn't it.......sorry for the lack of updates here. I'll try to write more requests in the future for this book, however for now I'm still on a long break from Danganronpa. So until I get back into the fandom updates and requests on this book will be CLOSED. Sorry about the sudden announcement hiwwver u seriously need a break from writing for this book since well......I'm behind on requests for this story and all of the comments for requests is really building up so...... Im sorry that I won't be writing for this book anytime soon.

Its not that I don't love this series, because I do, however my life now is literally all over the place between my studies in school, to my job stressing me out, my mental health being literally all over the place lately, and now the responsibility of taking care of and loving the most beautiful little girl I've ever lived to need, to cherish, to love, and to call my newborn baby daughter.

Again I'm so sorry about not updating this or even really letting anyone know what's been going on lately.

And in no way am I looking for attention, I'm simply stating that I can't really deal with this fandom much lately since it's given me mental problem after mental problems that I don't really wish to deal with right now.

However, with that said, to any of my fellow Voltron fans out there....I just opened up a new oneshots book on my profile literally called "Voltron One shots" so if anyone is interested in that please check that out! I will possibly upload a new story once a week so look out for that please!

Hope to see you all back here soon.

~Ariel <3

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