{24} Friday the 13th ~ Kokichi Ouma x Scared! Fem! Reader

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Hello lovelies!! 👋💖✨

It looks like we have a Friday the 13th in October so you know what that means!! Spooky story time!!

I understand that I have other requests to do (and the fact that I use Kokichi way to much) but this had to be done!! We only get a Friday the 13th every 7 years in October (I think so anyways.....) And what better way to celebrate the spooky day than by writing a story from a horror game with a spooky character.

I chose Kokichi for this because I thought I could take a good advantage of his lying nature in this to scare the living brains out of the reader. Hopefully I succeed!!

Also an update on the competition I'm going to this coming Sunday!!! (Ironically its the day after my 16th birthday. 😂) So far I have been selected to perform in front of three different judging rooms (since my teacher sent in a recording of my voice to the officials) and I have a chance to go through to the finals! I hope I can make it! Also another choral event called County Chorus is just around the corner (October 25th) and I plan to attend!! I'm not sure if it's a competition yet but my teacher said we sing for all of the different schools in my district. Hopefully I can go!!

And now to the Qotd!!!
Qotd: Do you believe Friday the 13th is really a spooky day?

My answer: I believe it is!! I mean to some it's just a normal day but for me it's different. Not to get weird but I always see a dead bird on my road when I wake up on a Friday the 13th. Maybe that's just me but it happens every time. Do weird things happen outside of your house on Friday the 13th also?

Hope you enjoy this semi spooky story!!

Started, Finished & Published: 10/12/17

"Noppera-bō are known primarily for frightening humans, specifically beautiful foreign girls!! But they are usually otherwise harmless. At first as ordinary human beings and they sometimes impersonate someone familiar to the victim, before causing their features to disappear, leaving a blank, smooth sheet of skin where their face should be." Maki told as the fire grew high and you shrieked in pure fear.

"AHHHHH NOO!!!!" You screamed as everyone else at the campfire looked at you and wondered why you had screamed after Kokichi told the description of the Noppera-bō.

"(Y/n) it's not that scary though. It's only an urban legend. It's not real." Shuichi reassured you as he rubbed your back to comfort you.

"B-but...." You trailed off as you noticed a glare coming from Kokichi.

"How about this one then? Fifteen students were invited to join the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. They had no talents or anything special about themselves, or so they thought. Eventually the fifteen students forget most everything they knew and were given fabricated "talents". These talents would determine their personalities and how they interacted with some people. However after about a week of interacting with the other students at the school they were locked in, a killing game broke out and everyone started to kill everyone else. Throwing glass balls at someone's head, being eaten by piranhas, and even being strangled by something that could be used in a steampunk outfit, they were suffering and the survivors were scared to die. However one particular death sent the remaining 7 students going nuts. One small boy out of the survivors had apparently been crushed with a hydraulic press machine and his death apparently made it the last murder in the game. Legend says that that boy is still living despite becoming an unrecognizable mess of blood, guts and crushed bones. To this day he still haunts the survivors of the killing game and might possibly seek their deaths for revenge." Kokichi told as you screeched even louder than the first one you had left out.

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