Deadly Highway Chase

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     It's pitch black out, giving the impression it was very late in the night. Not too late, since there we're plenty of cars out on the road this night. No stars in the sky, unable to see the trees on the sides of the road even though I am for sure they're there. The only thing I see is the road, and the cars lights all around me.

 The only thing I see is the road, and the cars lights all around me

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    I am in my 2003 Chevy Malibu, I named her Murial for short. Murial is not the best car, and she constantly needs upkeep. The steering wheel is a bit tough when I turn onto the highway, joining the very mild traffic of the night. the car that is in front of me I couldn't recognize, but it was blue... and slow.

     I hit a red light behind this blue car, and there were plenty of cars in the lane on my right, headed the same direction. For a moment I just look around, as I normally do at a red light. The last place I check is my rear view mirror and see a car behind me, I don't remember the color or the type. I couldn't even tell you if it was a truck or a high end car. All I could focus on in the moment was the person in the car. More importantly, her getting out of the car.

     She was average height, probably around 5'8" tall. she was wearing a thin black dress that gave off her thin physique, but her sleeves we're very bushy and draped down, giving the impression that it was a gown. she had on a black sunhat, one that was very flimsy, I thought it was a witches hat at first but, nope... definitely round at the top. The weirdest thing about her outfit though, was that she had on a mask. One of those party masks that look real smooth, with the eye holes cut out.

I was immediately freaking out, because of course she was walking ever so slowly towards the drivers side of my car. I looked back in front of me and noticed there were no cars sitting there, but the light was still red. I hesitate, looking through my side mirror, seeing her look back at me. I step on the gas and drive away, seeing her through the side mirror still walking as slowly as she had been, even though I was driving away at a very fast speed.

After a few dozen seconds, I find myself at another red light, among all the traffic again. Still a bit spooked by what had just happened, but practically forgetting about it in that moment. More cars started gathering behind me and on my right again and I felt safe.

This light turns green, and I can see the few cars in front of me start to go. That's when I look through my side mirror again and see the girl sprinting on the side of the highway, after me. Her hat and hair not even blowing in the wind from it. She was extremely fast.

I start to drive, since I cant drive around anyone, and assume she wouldn't catch up. Of course she did, she got up to my window, staring at me as she ran the same speed my car was going (which was pretty fast). She tries to open the door and... That's it.


So there is a lot going on here, and all of these itty bitty things could mean anything! So, i'm going to decode what I can, in order. 

So it being night time is probably due to how often I am up at night regardless the stress and labor I was doing the entire day of. Most of the time I'm driving is typically at night when I come home from work, and it usually feels like my 'free time'. The idea of there being no stars and the lack of scenery could be because of how short sighted I am and how far ahead I think.

I had no idea where I was driving when I was on this highway which makes me wonder if that was because normally I seem to just go with the flow of things, I don't try to really change anything or make anything better, I just sort of... let it happen. Which could explain the traffic all around me.

I also thing the cars represent people, people all around me. Not friends or family, but strangers. I am following in toe with what society has me doing to be alive, to live where I do, eat what I eat, and be who I want to be. 

The woman in black could be a few different things, the obvious option (which i'm sure most people thought) was she was Death or some sort of demon after me. I thought that too, but really thinking about this had me down another path. I think she represents the dishes not being done, the spiders on the front of the apartment not being taken care of, my financial aid not being updated... random little things that don't seem like a problem to me. She is thin, not large after all. The mask makes me believe I can't pinpoint one theory over another.

Her walking up to me has to do with the consequences of me neglecting these responsibilities and how it's always at the back of my mind, but me being a procrastinator, I push it off until it actually becomes an issue, either with myself, or my partner, or family... The moment she comes to my door (The last second of my situations) I finally decide to do what needs to be done and get on with life, going back to the same way I am, which is why I was able to speed off.

Her catching up to me, specifically at a sprinting pace, has me wondering if I feel like there are extremely urgent responsibilities I need to be tending to, of course there is. I have a lot of things to do. 

With her chasing me as I go, it's me trying to see how I can get away with not doing those tasks, if I can actually just live fine without picking up my clothes, or making my bed. But shes yanking on the door handle and I can only do so much before I am caught and who knows what will happen then...

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