"Well I hope you know, I don't regret it. It was the best sex I had ever had. Even if it was forced. Hearing her screams turned me on. Making me not want to stop." My hands were balled into fists so tightly I could no longer feel them. "Oh, yeah. Then she started bleeding. It felt great. As I said, I don't regret it. Fucking shit fought like hell though. I have a lot of scars from that brat." Oh my fucking god. That's it, I'm done. I pull my gun out and point it between his eyes. His eyes widen once more. Very big. "Oh my fucking god, please don't. I'd rather stay in this cell. Please." He begs. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Say hey to the devil for me?" He was about to open his mouth but I shoot him. He drops dead. I can feel my hands again and I put the gun away. After hearing what I just did, I quickly sped home to Valentina. Once I get into the house, I walk to my bedroom, I put the gun away, and walk to her room. She isn't here. I walk to Matteo's room. There they were. She sees me and stands up. "Luca?" She asks. I walk toward her and just hug her. Any girl that goes through that deserves more than a hug. But i's all I could do at the moment. 

Once again her body tenses up. But she slowly starts to relax as she realizes I'm not letting go anytime soon. She wraps her arms around my back. She rests her head on my chest. I rest my chin on her head. "Luca? Are you alright?" She questions, pulling me away from my thoughts. I still don't let go. "I'm alright. Real question is, are you?" She nods, and then not letting go she looks up at me and smiles. "I like this Luca better." She mumbles, quietly. I can't help the smile that found it's way onto my face.

"I'm sorry princess, this isn't who I am though. Sometimes I feel too much and have to let it out. Right now I'm feeling a lot, and I needed to do something before I exploded." She nods then says, "Well anytime you need to let those feelings out, I'm here for you." The smile on my lips was now visible. She smiles back and lays her head back on my chest. We stay there for a good three minutes. She slowly lets go and beams a smile at me. I smile back and walk out back to my room.

Val's POV

As he leaves, I go back to my room. I check my phone, and there was a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Any information yet?

Me: No, I actually don't have anything. They don't talk about the mafia shit in front of me. They probably don't trust me enough to.

Unknown: That isn't a good enough answer, try and get information then. Do whatever possible. 

Me: No! Why? I hate you, a lot. Why would I work for you? Just kill me I don't care. I don't want to give you any information.

Unknown: Alright. Fine, I'll go for Matteo first. Thanks for the first target.

Me: Wait! Please don't, leave him alone! 

Unknown: Are you going to cooperate?

Me: Fine, but just know I hate you more than Giovanni right now.

Unknown: Love you too.

He doesn't even know what Giovanni did. I don't know why I said that. But it was true. I throw my phone on the floor. He's a freak. A sicko that deserves to die. I was going to tell Luca. No matter the consequence. I walk to his room. I lightly knock on the door. "What?" He questions. He was obviously mad. Great. "I-I uh need to talk to y-you." He opens the door. He gestures me to walk in. I slowly walk in as he closes the door.

"Please don't kill me?" I plead, hoping to lighten the mood. But I also meant it. "What happened Val?" He obviously knew something was wrong. "When those people took me.." He furrows his eyebrows. "Yeah?!" He says impatiently. "It was Alex and his men. He said if I didn't give him your information he'd kill you, Matteo, Stella, and her husband. I couldn't let that happen. I told him to just kill me. He wouldn't do it. He uh... just texted me.." He grabs my phone angrily. Now he was REALLY mad. Like that could've been an understatement.

"WHAT THE HELL VAL?" He screams making my entire body flinch. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" I gulp and get ready to explain. "Now he's going to come after us because you told me. I'm guessing you weren't supposed to?" I nod. I keep my stare to the ground. "I'm glad you did. Because if you didn't, you'd be in some deep shit." He looks at the messages. His hand was on my wrist. As he read the messages, his grip tightened. It got worse and worse until, "Ow, Luca stop. Please, you're hurting me!" He drops the phone and his grip on my wrist loosens immensely. He looks at me with big eyes.

"Oh my god. I'm fucking sorry Valentina. I really didn't mean to." His hand was shaking now. "Hey. It's okay. I understand alright?" He looks at me. He looked sad? But maybe not, maybe disappointed? "It's not okay. I hurt you. I'm so sorry." I put my hand on his. Hoping to calm him down. It luckily did. He takes a deep breath and says, "Now you and Matteo really need to sleep in here. He's going to somehow find out you told me. We'll kill him before he can kill us. I promise. I need to go call Stella and tell her to get to a safe house." I nod.

But I didn't leave. I had one more thing to tell him. "You can go Val." He says eyeing me suspiciously.

"Uh, I have another thing to tell you.." He sighs and looks back at me. "What?" I point to my neck. "I don't know where, but there's a tracker in there. I'm scared, Luca. Is it going to hurt me?" His eyes widen. He quickly guides me to the infirmary. He lays me down onto the bed and says, "I see the scar where the implant was placed. I have a background in the medical field so I'll take it out. I'll put you to sleep and it'll be over before you know." I start to breathe faster. Why'd he react like this?!

"It's explosive. It needs to be taken out soon." My eyes then widen bigger then they have before. "WHAT! GET IT OUT PLEASE." I scream. He covers my mouth. "Just in case Alex can hear us somehow, we need to stay quiet. Please? I know how to take this out. Do you trust me?"

"I do." He nods then puts a mask over my nose and mouth. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

Luca's POV

Holy shit. This was a big fucking deal. She has an explosive tracker in her neck. The only reason I knew, was because as soon as she had pointed to her neck, I saw the scar. And if you're putting a tracker in someone's neck, it's because you have the intention on killing them sooner or later.

Once she was fully knocked out, I put on gloves. I take a sharp knife and cut along the scar. Making sure to only open the skin. If I cut the wire somehow we'd both die. Once the scar was opened, I could see the chip. It had a small wire attached to it. I grabbed some tiny pliers and grabbed the chip. Once I pull it out, I stitch her neck up. The stitches would be gone soon, but for now, they were pretty tacky. I laugh as it looked funny.

I leave to dispose of the chip. I come back to the room, and her eyes were open. "L-Luca?"

Authors comments:

If you get the neck chip, brains thing, I love you. If you don't, hint: it's from a very good movie. 

I just wanted to thank you guys for 200 views. It may not seem like a big deal to others, but this is my first story and I barely started a month ago. It really means a lot to me. Thank you. I love you. 

Sei fottutamente malato, lo sai? Hai violentato tua sorella, la tua fottuta sorella gemella! : You're fucking sick, you know? You raped your sister, your fucking twin sister!

Che diavolo?  : What the hell?

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