8. He Promised.

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Jinyoung said while entering my room.

"What nowww??? I sighed still half asleep.

"C'mon, get up, we have a long day!!"

"B-but it's still early." I whined.

"Early?? It's almost 1 p.m. get up and get dressed we are leaving in 15 minutes." 

"Ughhh fine." I got out of bed.
"Happy??" I said

"When you get dressed I'll be happy, take a look in the mirror!!" He said sarcastically.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I gasped. My hair was sticking out and I had bags under my eyes.
I looked like a hot(not much) mess. I was embarrassed, me standing in front of Jinyoung while looking like this.

"Get outtttt quicklyyy" I shouted at him.

"I will if you can be a little bit nicer."

"Ughh get out." I said while pushing him out of my room.

"Hahaha okay okay..."

10 minutes passed, I put some light make up on and wore a grey crop top with black high waisted shorts and sneakers.

I got out of my room.

"Jinyoung, I'm ready." I said smiling.

"Great let's go." He smiled back.


We went to the mall and I found a store that sells formal dresses.

I picked a red satin dress with a V neck and a leg opening.
I tried it on.

"(Y/N) yah, let me see." Jinyoung begged.

"Nah, don't even think about it."

"I hate you so much." He sighed.

"I know you do." I laughed.

I loved how the dress fits perfectly on me so I bought it.

"Are you done??"

I nodded.

"Don't you need shoes or anything?"

"Nope I have shoes."

"Great now let's go I'm starving, what do you wanna eat?" He asked.

"Anything that's good."

"Well have you ever tried Chinese cuisine?"

"It's my favorite cuisine." I smiled.

"Let's go then!"

We arrived at the restaurant and placed our orders.

Jinyoung decided to break the silence...

"I wanna know more about you, who are you (Y/N)?"

"I'm nobody."  I chuckled.

It's true, I'm nobody and I'm nothing special.

"I mean, where do you come from? How did you learn Korean? Do you have a boyfriend? I want answers."

"Umm, well if you insist, I'm from (Y/country), I learned Korean from watching Kdramas and listening to K-POP, and nope I don't have a boyfriend." I said smiling.

"That's good, I'm impressed, I like music as well." He smiled.

"Glad that I impressed you, do you have talents? Other than being bossy at work?"

"Haha funny, I used to have some talents like dancing and singing. I tried to audition to some entertainment companies but I never passed so I decided to quit and major in marketing."
"What about you?" He asked.

"That's really interesting, well, does being lazy count as a talent?" I said laughing.

"Hahahaha, I totally agree that you are lazy."

I rolled my eyes then we shared a laugh.

"So do you like your work here?" He asked.

"Yeah a lot, it's great except for the part that I'm you assistant."

"You should be thankful that you are my assistant."

"Pfft, thankful? My ass. You are mean and needy."

"Haha fineee, I promise I won't be anymore, I was just teasing you." He winked at me.

That wink. It killed me....

"Hmm I doubt if you will but okay.."

"You'll see." He smiled cheekily.
"So are we friends (Y/N)?

"I still don't understand you Jinyoung, first you acted rudely but now you want us to be friends."

"I hope you will by time, see, I'm really not what you think I am."

"If what you say about yourself is true, then we are friends."  I nodded.

After our very first normal conversation, our food finally arrived and we ate it.
Jinyoung didn't allow me to pay the restaurant bill and insisted on paying it.

"We are friends remember?"
I chuckled at his statement.

We left the mall and went back to the dorm. When we arrived I decided to break the awkward silence that followed us from the car to the dorm.

"Umm Jinyoung, thank you so much for today, it was really really fun."  I smiled at him.

"No need haha, I enjoyed it too." 

He smiled back, got closer, and planted a sweet kiss on my cheek.

I was blushing like crazy, and that's when it hit me.

I was falling for Jinyoung....

Falling for him hard and fast....

....But will he be able to catch me?

I'm Not What you Think I am // Jinyoung(GOT7) x reader // Completed.Where stories live. Discover now