11. It was a Perfect Start. (Finale)

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Today was a normal day as usual, I woke up and prepared myself to go to work.

I remember everything that happened yesterday and that Jinyoung will take me out to the beach after work to explain everything.


During work time, Jinyoung told me to meet him in his office.

And so, I went to his office.

"Yes sir?" I said.

"Don't forget about today, we're going to have dinner at the beach."

"I-it's Okay I don't want dinner." I said.

"Too late." He smiled.

"O-okay." I said and went back to work.

Jinyoung ordered me to meet him in his office a million time today. And mostly it's over stupid things.

I knew he was trying to make excuses to see me.

And as the stupid person I am, I couldn't help but obey every word he said.

Work time was finally over.

Jinyoung came to me, he grabbed my hand, and took me to his car.

"So are you ready to go?" He smiled.

I nodded.

Jinyoung tried to initiate conversations during the ride but I always replied with short answers. And it contained many awkward silence moments.
I really couldn't wait until we arrive.

It was a half-hour ride.
The beach was pretty far away from the company.
But thankfully we finally arrived.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Jinyoung asked while staring at the beautiful sunset in front of him.

"Yes it is." I said admiring the view.

He got out of the car and opened the door for me.

He took out his hand, "May I hold your hand?"

I was hesitant at first but I agreed.
I smile planted on his face.

We walked on a wooden path through the coast to a table full of food and 2 chairs.

He moved the chair for me and I sat.

"Thanks." I smiled at his sweet gesture.

"I know you are wondering why we are here." He said taking a deep breath.

"Yes." I responded.

"Where should I start? Okay um when I went to meet TaeSi at the party, I-i wanted to confront her a-about something" he stuttered but maintained eye contact with me.
"I kind of was glad she was cheating on me"
"Because I-I wanted to break up with her."

"But you were crying and heartbroken." I said in a mean tone.

"I was broken because of the way she treated me, she was cheating. I cried because of my stupid self, I told you that yesterday."


"Anyways, I wanted to tell her that our relationship should end because being together to only fulfill our needs is really not good to our emotional and physical health. Thanks to you I realized that after what you told me that one time."

"I'm glad that I made you realize that." I smiled.

After his words, I felt like everything that happened between us yesterday was erased. He sounded so sincere and so sure about his words.

I'm Not What you Think I am // Jinyoung(GOT7) x reader // Completed.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt