Manila Envelope

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The manila envelope sits unopened on the table while I gather my few items from the motel room. I’m torn between wanting to know the gender and not wanting to know the gender. I sling my backpack over my shoulder. My eyes scan the room once more, making sure I’m not leaving anything behind. Once I’m satisfied, I leave the room with the manila envelope in my hand. I lock the door and return the key to the front desk before making my way over to the truck and unlocking it. I throw my bag in the passenger’s seat before climbing into the driver’s seat. The envelope is calling my name. I give in too easily, carefully opening the envelope. I slide out the images, gasping. This is the baby inside of me. Little hands covering the face and all. I breeze through the smaller photos and stop at the larger one. There is a circle drawn around the genitalia. Written in red marker, is the gender of the baby. I quickly stuff everything back into the envelope, putting it on the center console before starting the truck, putting it into reverse, and driving out of the parking lot.

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