Noodle Things

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I make sure everything is perfect before calling Hunter.
“Dinner is ready, sir.”
“We’ll be down in a minute.”
I wish I could have tuned out Peni’s noises from the background, but I didn’t have any warning. The doorbell rings through the house. That should get them moving.
I welcome Peni’s parents and brother in with flourish. Mr. Ezra, owner of Ezra Publishing, looks down at me with a strict expression.
“Where is my daughter?”
“Miss Ezra and Mr. Scotch will be down momentarily. Please, have a seat in the living room for the time being.”
Once they all sit down, I notice Peni’s brother eyeing me up. He winks when I catch his eye. I feel the blush creeping up my neck. He has shaggy dark brown hair and a short beard. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Peni, darling! It’s so good to see you!”
I excuse myself from the room, disappearing to the kitchen. The cucumber noodle things are still hot. I pour them into a nicer looking bowl and set them on a cart. I take the sauce and put it beside it.
“Is the garlic bread done, Larry?”
“Give it a minute. The garlic butter spread is still melting.”
“Okay. I’ll bring these out to the table.”
I roll the cart out to the table, placing the noodles and the sauce in their designated spots.
“Is dinner ready?”
Hunter’s voice makes me jump.
“Oh. You scared me. Larry is just getting the garlic bread out now and everything is ready.”
He flashes me a smile. Memories of those lips on my skin come flooding back to me.
“Make sure to clean my study and the upstairs bathroom tonight. And I would appreciate a fresh set of sheets on my bed, also. Larry can assist with the rest of dinner.”
And the memories are replaced with anger.
“Will do, sir.”
“Thank you, Skye.”

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