Mini Skye

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I glance at the door repeatedly. I feel a warm hand touch mine.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be here.”
I let Gavin’s words sink in, but I keep looking at the door. Andy hasn’t been able to sneak out of the house these past few weeks because of her job. Planting and tending to each of Hunter’s new plants. Every spring he plants his tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, snow peas, and various other foods. He keeps them in the greenhouse until the weather is just right before he has the staff take them outside and plant them in his real garden. Since Andy and two other girls are the only ones manning all the plants, she’s been too busy to come to the bar for a night out.
“Why don’t you pick a song for tonight? Maybe it’ll take your mind off things.”
“What’s the theme again?”
I know I’ve asked him a million times but I’m a little distracted at the moment. Thankfully, he’s very understanding.
“Early 2000’s. Throwback hits.”
I nod, opening the book of songs. I make sure to check the release year as I go through every possible song.
“There she is!”
I turn my head at the sound of Andy’s voice. I jump off the bar stool, throwing my arms around her in a hug.
“I miss you at the house, Skye. The new maid is boring.”
“Anybody who isn’t me is going to be boring in your opinion.”
“Not true! A seventy year old Russian woman would be very entertaining.”
I burst out in laughter. That would be a funny sight to see. Hunter would never hire someone like that. Not now, not in a million years.
“Pick a song yet, Skye?”
“Yes and I’m not telling you which it is. You’re just going to have to listen for it.”
“Then go tell the DJ yourself.”
“I will.”
I hop off the bar and Andy follows me. I finally notice the missing puzzle piece.
“Where’s Daniel?”
“His dad is making him attend some charity event tonight. He tried to get out of it but he couldn’t.”
“That stinks.”
She shrugs, smiling.
“At least we get a girl’s night out. Minus the drinking of course. Don’t want to hurt mini Skye.”
I roll my eyes at her comment. I now have a visible bump. I can hide it if I wear baggy clothing, but in my fitting red shirt, the bump is on display.
“Speaking of the little monster, how is my godchild doing so far?”
“I have an appointment with Dr. Benson again next week.”
“Are you able to figure out the gender yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Do you want to?”
We stop at the DJ and I motion for the pen and paper beside him. The music is far too loud to speak to him and he has headphones on. I jot down the song title, artist, and my name before sliding the paper back over to him. He looks at it and gives me a thumbs up. Andy and I miraculously find a table and sit down.
“Answer my question, Skye. Are you planning on finding out the gender?
“I’m honestly not sure, Andy.”
The waitress approaches us, taking our drink orders. As soon as she disappears to retrieve the drinks, Andy starts speaking again.
“If you don’t want to know, can I find out?”
Her mouth drops open in surprise. I didn’t even hesitate with my answer.
“Why not?”
As if she doesn’t already know the answer.
“You can’t keep secrets!”
“Name one time I didn’t keep a secret!”
“You told Ashton Reynolds that I had a crush on him.”
“That was eighth grade!”
The waitress returns with our drinks and I take a sip from my coke. Andy takes a sip of her gin and tonic.
“Starting off the night strong?”
“This isn’t strong at all. I’m just using it as liquid courage.”
“For what?”
“You’ll see.”
I raise an eyebrow but she doesn’t elaborate on her comment.

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