Warmth (Gavin's POV)

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I walk out of the bathroom, flicking off the light. Noise from the television draws me into the living space. Skye is curled up on the couch fast asleep. I approach her with caution. I don’t want to startle her. The television remote is on the floor beside the couch. I bend over to grab it and shut off the TV before putting it on the coffee table. Then I bring my attention to the sleeping beauty on the couch. I can either cover her with a blanket and let her wake up sore or wake her, ship her off to bed, and sleep on the couch myself to wake up sore.
The choice is obvious.
"Come on, Skye."
I reach over, gently shaking her to wake her up as peacefully as possible.
She's not waking up. I hope she won’t mind, but I slip my arms under her.
"Let's get you to bed."
I carry her down to my room, nudging the door open with my foot. Pulling the sheets back to put her down is a little difficult, but not something I can't handle. When I try to move away, she doesn’t let go. I try once more before speaking.
"Skye, I have to get to bed."
She tugs on me weakly. Sleepy Skye still refuses to release me and continues to make weak attempts to pull me down. I guess that means she wants me to join her? I allow her to tug a few more times before I speak again.
“Alright. Can you let go of me for a second? I’m not climbing over you.”
Her arms fall away from me. I throw my shirt onto the ground before climbing under the cold covers with her. Once I'm situated, I close my eyes. The minute something foreign touches me, I tense up. Until I realize it's just Skye. She wordlessly curls against me. I don't think she's awake enough to realize what she is doing. Either way, I don't care. A gorgeous girl is snuggled against me and that's all that matters at this moment. Her comfort and safety. I wrap my arm around her, letting the moment sink in. Of course reality comes crashing down on me. This is going to end tomorrow morming.
Suddenly,  I never want this night to end.

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