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Gavin is still serving a customer at the bar, so I wait by the exit. As soon as he’s done, I shout his name, grabbing his attention. A smile breaks out across his face and he whispers something in another bartender’s ear before walking over to me.
“Hey. Thanks for the drink.”
He leans on the counter in front of him.
“No problem. You did amazing up there.”
“Thank you.”
I can feel the blush creeping up my face. Somebody shouts his name and his smile fades slightly.
“Give me a minute!”
He turns his attention back to me.
“Go run your bar.”
“How late are you staying tonight?”
“An hour or so?”
Something along the lines of disappointment flashes on his face.
“Alright. Don’t leave without coming to see me.”
I nod and he taps the bar with his palm, hurrying over to the bartender that called him over. I walk back to the table, plopping my rear end on my stool.
“How did it go?”
“He complimented me on my abilities on stage. That’s it.”
Andy rolls her eyes, taking a sip of her drink.
“Why are men such complete idiots?”
Daniel looks at her, offended. If he can’t take a comment like this, then he clearly isn’t the man for her.
“Not all men are stupid. Gavin is one of those men.”
“I meant that he can’t admit his feelings.”
She turns to face me, leaving Daniel with a scowl on his face.
“Listen, he obviously likes you and refuses to make a move. You have to make a move first.”
“Who says I like him back? I’ve known him for less than a month, Andy.”
“Then go get to knowing him! What’s his favorite color? His favorite movie? What snacks does he like? Why won’t he just take you back to his place for a night of fun?”
She laughs at the reactions. I blush and Daniel wraps his arm around Andy.
“You’ve had a few too many drinks. Let’s get you home before you force Skye to do something she isn’t comfortable with.”
He sets some money down on the table, smiling.
“Just be safe, whatever you do. Call Andy’s phone if you need anything or if anything goes wrong. Have a safe night, Skye.”
The crowd sucks them in, leaving me alone at my own table.

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