For Worse

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I admire my figure in the mirror, bouncing my hair. Andy’s going to flip when she sees me. The tight black dress highlights every curve of my body. That’s a good and a bad thing. My stomach is starting to look a little pudgier, but what can I do about it.
I take out the final braid and let the curls out. I like this look.
My phone rings and I grab it off the counter.
“Hey. Danny and I go here a little early. We’re at the same table whenever you show up.”
“Alright. I just have to finish my makeup and I’ll be there.”
“’Kay. See you soon.”
I hang up and grab the lipstick she bought me, putting the red on my lips. Perfect. I slip the tube into my bag before doing the same with my phone. A few sprays of perfume and I’m out the door, keys in hand.

Okay, so I imagine Skye in a dress sorta like this one but black.

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