Jealousy Fueled Feelings

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Andy hands me my pretzel and we find a spot to sit and relax. I pull off a piece of my cinnamon sugar pretzel, dipping it in the icing before popping it into my mouth.
"So when are you gonna find out the gender?"
"I don't know. I have to schedule an appointment. Why?"
"Cause I wanna start making guesses."
I laugh, ripping off another piece of my pretzel.
"Go for it."
She dips her salty pretzel in cheese as she responds.
"Naw. I'll wait until later then take a survey."
"A survey with who?"
"Me, you, Daniel, and Gavin."
"Why not Sonny?"
She wrinkles her nose, taking a sip of her soda.
"I'm not a huge fan of him."
"Speaking of Sonny, what's going on between you two?"
I shake my head, wiping my mouth with a napkin.
"Nothing. Who told you anything?"
"Daniel. Gavin told him stuff and he told me."
"So Gavin is spreading around my personal buisness now?!"
"No no! He was venting about how jealous he is!"
Just as I suspected. He IS jealous of Sonny.
"So what do you think of Gavin."
"What do you mean?"
I put another chunk of pretzel in my mouth as she speaks.
"Who do you like more, Gavin or Sonny?"
I take a moment to think that question over slowly.
"To be honest, I'd have to say Gavin."
"Then why are you pursuing Sonny?"
I sigh and sip my lemonade before replying.
"I think I'm just trying to make Gavin jealous. I don't know why."
"Using Sonny to get to Gavin isn't the answer. It's wrong."
"I know. I don't know why I'm doing it."
She shrugs, finishing the last bit of her pretzel.
"Just tell Gavin how you feel. I'm sure he likes you back. And if not, then forget him."
She brings the soda straw to her lips. I pick this moment to give her the juicy details.
"He kissed me."
She chokes on her soda, putting a hand over her mouth to keep it behind her lips.
"He what?!"
"He kissed me."
"When?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"
"It was yesterday. Sonny took me to a party and Gavin was there and he kissed me."
A smile appears on her face.
"Speaking of the devil."
I turn and immediately spin back around.
"Why is he here?!"
"I asked Daniel to pick us up. I didn't know he was gonna bring Gavin too."
"Why did you ask him to pick us up? I have my truck."
"There is no way we are fitting all our shopping bags in your truck."
I let her crappy excuse slide because Daniel and Gavin join us at the table. We don't have that many bags. Just some maternity clothes for me and some clothes for Andy.
"Hey girls. Ready to leave?"
"Yeah. We just need to load the bags."
Andy and I throw away our trash. Daniel has Andy's bags and Gavin is holding mine. We follow them out of the mall to Daniel's car. He loads Andy's bags into the back. She gives me a hug.
"We need to do this again. Next time, we are gonna be shopping for baby clothes!"
I laugh at her enthusiasm. 
"Whatever you say."
Daniel hold open the door for her and she climbs in.
"Bye, Skye!"
I wave at her and start walking towards my truck. Gavin follows me. I unlock the truck and he puts the bags into the back seat. I climb into the driver's seat and he hops up into the passenger seat. I set my cup in the cup holder.
"Thank you for carrying my bags."
"You're welcome."
Silence fills the truck. I turn on the radio to fill the void and pull out of the parking spot.

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